Once again, I'm caught up in the main character interaction rather than the serial killer. I love Garcia so so very much. She misses her friend JJ, and tries her best to do JJ's job. Is it me, or did she offer to take on the job while wearing the single most outrageous color combination I think I've ever seen her wear? And you know, until she got overwhelmed, she was doing a damn good job.
(Shallow note: when she walked on the plane wearing JJ-drag, my jaw HIT THE FLOOR. I mean, she's beautiful no matter what, but DAMN.)
Beautiful, beautiful scene with Morgan. (Shallow: is Morgan wearing leather pants??)I LOVED the nice reverse of the stereotypical "guy takes off girl's glasses to see how beautiful she is" by him making her take out her contacts and so he can put her glasses back on. "There she is. I know you."
"How often do I tell you I love you?"
"Everyday. It's implied." Morgan and Garcia: best love story on television. (And I say that as someone who approves wholeheartedly of Kevin.)
In the end, we get to see her go full-out O.G. (Original Garcia--I loved that) and solve the case.
Other nice notes: Reid stepping in as the team's only non-alpha male to talk to the unsub's wife. Oh, Reid. We love you because you AREN'T an alpha male.
I thought they handled the swinger angle about as well as could be expected from network television. The swingers themselves were largely unembarrassed and undefensive about their relationships, the team were the ones having pretty mainstream reactions to the whole thing. Like I said, about as well as you'd expect from network TV.
Overall, the character bits felt a little like a love letter to the fans--especially us Garcia fans.
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