I need to see this one again, I think. Initially, it seems a little flat, like maybe they tried to fit too much storyline into an episode. This appears to be the first episode for writer Alicia Kirk, so that might be part of the off-ness. But I do want to watch again, if only for Ellie, who remains a fascinating character. I also want to rewatch the Prince of Darkness episodes--because did we ever hear about Ellie's mom before tonight? That seemed rather cop-out-ish.
Still, the unsub was creepy, and Mare Winningham did a great job, I thought. I would've liked to see a little more from her.
Right. Rewatch tomorrow, perhaps more thoughts then--and after I get to read all of the comments over on
matociquala's post. :)
ETA: Aha! Figured one thing that bugged me. Major continuity error: Garcia says she's an only child, but in "P911" back in season two she mentioned having brothers.
Unrelated: Kirsten Vangsness was giving hints to folks on Twitter who'd like to dress as Garcia for Halloween. Now I totally want an excuse to wear a costume.
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http://roane.dreamwidth.org/835860.html, where there are