I can't be very objective on this one. Like last week's, it may require a rewatch.
Reid geeking about Halloween and "science magic". Probably the second best part of the episode.
Garcia is pumpkiny. This makes me happy.
Devil's Night in Detroit is a "three-day city-wide cultural phenomenon complete with masks, chaos, and costumes"? A "violent Mardi Gras"? Um, WTF? Okay, I have lived in the Detroit area almost my entire life, and I have NEVER heard of such a thing. City officials keep track of Devil's Night arson for the three days prior to Halloween (as it typically spikes up through the 30th), but that's the only three-day window I've ever heard of. Also guys? Read up on recent history. Devil's Night arson is WAY WAY down since "Angel's Night" was instituted in the mid-90s.
Argh argh argh. That was enough to throw me out of the story for nearly the entire episode. And also, I have heard of a lot of Detroit neighborhoods, but I have never heard of some place called "Rivertown". A quick Google reveals that there is such an area, but it's certainly not a commonly referred-to neighborhood when one thinks of Detroit, not like Greektown or Hamtramack and the like. It's like something you'd pick off a map.
Okay, back to story: creepy episode, sad, but the ending (like last week) felt off. Like the existence of the kid was a deus ex machina to transform the unsub. Like the leap from "he's looking for someone" to "it's an ex-girlfriend" to "oh, btw, she left him and had his kid" just seemed too... I dunno. Fast? Likewise the daddy/daughter sing-along earlier--the pacing just seemed off. Not enough time to build up suspense. Very disappointed in the writing in the past two eps.
That said, oh the very end of the episode. Oh, Jack. He's working the case with his daddy again, and this time he's dressed for the part. I admit, I got a little teary and wanted to hug them both. Tiny!Hotch = cute beyond words.
Still: give me my writers back, damn it. Especially if we're going to stick Reid in the cornfield next week.
ETA: So, apparently Rusty Huggins (the writer) was born in Detroit, according to IMDB. I am baffled. I'm chalking this up to the case of one possibly small mistake making me lose all trust in a writer's credibility. I plan to rewatch, because apparently some folks saw a lot more in this episode than I did.
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