Finally turned 21 on the 31st, thanks to everyone who showed up to the bonfire at Alisha's, the night rocked. Was recovering that day from the night before - went bar hopping with the bro-in-law and a few of his buddy's, which was a lot of fun - didn't feel too good the next day though.
This weekend was the first at the cottage. As always, it was a lot of fun. Got to play some basketball (horribly), swam, and...
Airsoft Battle.
should've taken more pictures..
Originally didn't feel like playing, but I took Brandon's place for a few rounds and it turned out to be a shitload of fun. I'm still sore all over from rolling around on the roof of the cottage. I would've done very well if I didn't jam all the guns somehow...
Aside from that stuff, we also got to watch oddball movies like the Cube series and Cujo. I didn't end up drinking at all this weekend - the taste of hard liquor didn't really sound too good at the time. I should've just bought some beer at meijer or something. It was a lot of fun and great to be able to hang out with everybody anyway.
Sunday I had to leave Brighton early to pick up my new (hopefully permanent) ride and drop it off in Romeo:
2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V
Looks like it belonged to some rich ricer kid..
Should look like this when it's ready though:
The body kit makes it almost look like a mini Skyline in the front.
It needs some work before it's driveable, hopefully it's done very soon. Looking forward to learning how to use a 6 speed.
I started my first day of my summer math class today. I got my old math teacher from the fall for this course. She's a great teacher, so I imagine things should be a bit smoother compared to the class I took in the winter with that crazy Hart bastard. It's only a 6 week course though, so it's going to be pretty intense next few weeks.
anywho, that's about it for now.
and now, for your moment of zen: