The Empress of Chains is dead, and the Palace of Doors is covered in black of mourning, and will remain so until one of her heirs or other claimants to the Barbed Throne manages to raise above the pack and seize it, and in the meantime the Wheel is in chaos. Without a guardian, old locks grow weak and new doors to fresh hells open every day.
Just getting this down on paper )
Comments 11
Not that I'm objecting. Nice images!
Although, hmmm, it looks like the Bleak Cabal, Free League, and Xaositects aren't represented?
The Broken Plow are barely considered a society at all despite their great numbers, for they are made of farmers and other lowly folk, banded together for protection in these troubled times. For all their base nature, they have eyes, ears and hidey holes everywhere, and there are whispers of peasant heroes rising to challenge the other societies.
The Unspoken Question are a rough monastic order who travel the world raising questions at the temples and meetings of other groups (a practice which requires their kung fu be strong enough to surivive the answers). They are gadflies, with no ethos of their own, save to pick apart the falsehoods and contradictions of other beliefs in hopes that if they unravel enough threads, the truth shall be revealed. (Going more for the no-beliefs part than the We SPEAk FuNNeE part of things.)
*faints dead away*
It is the awesome. I am a quivering ball in awe of total awesome.
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