Some of these are older, I don't know if I've shared them. :)
This is a completely stolen idea from
threeeasysteps in
sew_hip. his name is Eazy
P, obviously after Eazy E.
BUt I used a piece of t-shirt for the face, some soft velvety purple fabric, permanent marker, and glitter towel. :)
Hello Kitty Sweatshirt! yay!
halloween costumes! Sailor Jupiter (green) and Sailor Saturn!
boyfriend and best friend in the costumes I made them :)
made this out of a rainjacket. it's amazing, and was so unreal quick to make :)
outfit for lollipop :)
made from those hello kitty coin purse things from mcDonalds, i already had one, and then two other people gave me theirs, so I made a pencil case :)
I used some old Pj's for the insides :)
Don't forget the party pack!! I made this from 3 different lunch boxes :) and I made it so people couldn't steal my beerz anymore. lol, even though i'm not much of a drinker :)
insides :)
Onto Thrifting!!!!
I never had or played this game as a child, but with half off of $.29, meaning $.15, I couldn't pass it up. Still had the instructions, 4 of the game pieces, 5 of the red things that you put the game pieces in, the spinner, and the game board itself. all in pretty mint condition considering it's probably over 15 years old.. this version. btw, I've play a game with my doll, and two with my sister, all who have beat me. damn chutes. lol
All of the Halloween stuff (except candles) were $.09, making it four or five cents... the candles were originally $.49, so I got them for a quarter. The Kings Island cup is not only for nostalgia, but Kings Island will refill ANY souveniour cup for the refill price of 1.99. Umm Score? and I paid 15 cents for my way more awesome than any new one that you can get at the park... Crayola cup and minnie mouse spacemaker were nine cents, making it 4 or 5 cents each, the 80s pencil holder case was 29 cents, so I got it for 15, and then look at what came inside of it...
crayons, markers, 2 cards, and a small notepad
not to mention also a stylus, paintbrush and black kitty
I got some .29 cents each, or 2 for the price of 1! pillows to cover for Julie. :)
Princess Pillow!! .99 -->.50!!
that has a place for me to connect my iPod once I get a male/female connector :)
random shirts to be used for quilts or other projects, ranges from 49 cents originally to 1.99 originally... so a quarter to a dollar :)
Pillowcase, I like changing my pillowcase more often than my bedding, so I try to find nice soft pillow cases when I'm at the thrift store... 49 cents --> 25 cents!
yay little mermaid!!
other side, 49 cents--> a quarter!
Like new Cords in my size. I might resize them to have a skinny pant, I don't know yet.
Green - 6.99-->3.50, pink/red - 2.99 -->1.50 Brown- 5.99-->3.00
and I saved my most exciting find from the fourth for last :)
I thought this was a sushi roll at first
but it's really Taiko:Drum Master -
Wikipedia is always there for me, even if my professors don't like it I apparently have Don, the red faced drum master, but there's also Katsu, the blue faced drum master... lol I'm just going to call him Taiko. Anyways, the only way I figured this out was when I took the price tag of 49 cents off the tag of Taiko, it said Namco. Which I know from playing some cutesie games is a gaming company. So after searching and searching through their games I finally found my Taiko. :) My I spent a quarter for him Taiko.
I also bought Corey a kickass lamp for 5 dollars. All of this, including non pictured lamp was just shy of 20 dollars. Total win :)