Negi's almost unable to question it. His class is special enough that you could just about suggest anything to him and he'd swallow it with only a token 'Bwah!'-ing surprise; when you look at it that way, the idea of Naba-san coming from an inn or some other situation that somehow makes her effortlessly able to juggle however many unruly tenants makes perfect sense. He'd be concerned if she didn't look so efficient and zen at it - he'd worry and suggest maybe this is a bad idea (but not STOP her; if Negi stopped anyone doing something risky and difficult that'd be an extreme case of hypocrisy and he knows it) - but she's impressive and kind of awesome and he can totally see it. The co-habitation thing is less of a real issue to him because he's not very able to see it; he's lived alone or in dorms his whole life, so so what if people want to share? On the other hand, the thing with a boyfriend now that is big news (this is how his mind works, shh) and he will probably dither around in an excitable fashion waiting for details. That he'
( ... )
Peony's never one to judge or act differently with people based on age. Chizu-nee is competent (in a very general sense, but it counts) and has an very good head on her shoulders. She could be called a confidante, but he'd be reluctant to apply the moniker mostly because then it would mean it's there and he doesn't like classifying touchy subjects. He's mostly grateful, in that Peony way - he's opened up a little and she took it entirely in stride. There's not many people he does that to - Meryl is one of them, when they're not doing the fighting part of their dynamic, but not Becky so much because she usually needs teaching rather than receiving.
Kamina doesn't dislike Ban. Frankly, quite the opposite. It's just fun to poke people, to force them into reacting, to... well, screw with them, to be quite honest. It's how Kamina works. Fact is that now he's done that, nearly fought with the lot of them and come to blows, he'd help them out if required without a thought. First you MANLY BOND, then you ... do whatever else.
Peony can take anything in stride. Talking robot? No problemo. He'll be just as jokey and affable as ever. He's twigged that Crow is an audience - or at least, that Crow tends to remain on the periphery of situations and comment inwards. And that's fine, because basically he does exactly the same thing regularly.
Kamina doesn't really react much. He's not one to notice people unless specifically connected to him - everyone else gets the same kind of flat level of acceptance.
Negi comes from a canon with Chachamaru in it, so a robot isn't the most jarring thing ever to him. He pretty much likes everyone unless given a reason not to, so he's pleasant and polite and nods and takes everything very seriously and literally which is why Crow's joking sideswipes and suggestions will. Tend to work on him more than any of the other characters.
Negi has, mostly, been BURNING HIMSELF OUT. Unwilling to accept that there's no way out, he's been studying in the library like the clappers and trying to get more magically and physically stronger. He hasn't, for all his boyishness, settled into and started relaxing in camp yet because he fervently feels that it is Wrong to stay in camp, that they really should be getting out of there and that the Class Should Be Together. This is pretty unshakable; he's got the biggest sense of duty out of all of my lot and is similarly utterly unwilling to give up. Eventually he'll probably need to fall over on someone and be told that no, come on, this is dumb you tiny moron. Until then he's really not treating himself kindly, but is a zen master at hiding that fact. Until the falling over happens.
Comments 14
Also Peony's thoughts on Chizu-nee in general. I CAN ASK FOR TWO THINGS RIGHT?
Peony & Ryohei: "lessons on extreme" or "you're doing it wrong"
Kamina doesn't really react much. He's not one to notice people unless specifically connected to him - everyone else gets the same kind of flat level of acceptance.
Negi comes from a canon with Chachamaru in it, so a robot isn't the most jarring thing ever to him. He pretty much likes everyone unless given a reason not to, so he's pleasant and polite and nods and takes everything very seriously and literally which is why Crow's joking sideswipes and suggestions will. Tend to work on him more than any of the other characters.
Peony/his inflatable shark.
Essay-wise, uh. ... I'll come back to it.
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