So the other day in class, the teacher handed us these little photos clipped from newspapers. She asked us to write a small news article (German, of course) to go with the picture. I received a picture of two polar bears, rubbing their heads together in a husband-and-wife sort of way. Here's what I wrote.
Global Warming zu Ende; Eisbären feiern
VorscherInnen aus allen Länder haben kürzlich versichert, dass die letzten sechs Jahren kühler als vorher gewesen seien. Die Politiker würden immer noch behaupten, dass es Klima problemen gäben, aber die Eisbären wissen die Wahrheit, meint der berühmte Dr. McNinja. "Sie feiern die ganze Nacht," sagt er.
Die Meinungen der Eisbären seien auch sehr positiv. "RAAARGH!" hat eine Eisbärin gesagt ("freut mich sehr!"), und viele Eisbären seien nach die heisse Quellen gegangen, zu gut entspannen. Leider war der Haupteisbärvorscher wegen einer Übersetzersfressenunfall nicht erreichbar.
I was rather pleased that when I read this aloud to the class, I was able to keep an even tone and almost-straight face the whole way through. It was hilarious and fun.
My best attempt to translate it to news-sounding English:
Global warming at an end; polar bears celebrate
Researchers from all over the world have recently confirmed that the last six years have been cooler than those before. The distinguished Dr. McNinja believes that while Politicians will continue to claim that there are climate problems, the polar bears know the truth. "They're partying the night away," he says. (T/N: this is also a reference to a German techno song that's very popular right now.)
The polar bears' opinions are also very positive. "RAAARGH!", one polar bear commented ("I'm very happy [about it]"), and many bears are on the way to the hot springs to relax. Unfortunately, the head polar bear researcher was unavailable for comment, due to a translator-eating accident.