My journal is called _____ because _____.
My subtitle is _____ because _____.
My friends page is called _____ because _____.
My username is ____ because _____.
My default userpic is _____ because_____.
My journal is called "Le Cul-de-Sac" because I live in a dead end street, and it's feels just a teensy bit metaphoric. Also, my original
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Comments 4
My default userpic is "Queen Me", because it's a really awesome picture, and it captures a certain . . . attitude of mine. ;)
And have you read the Honor Harrington books? The whole War with Haven is the Napoleonic Wars, but in space...and it starts with the Revolution.
Rob(ert) Pierre sets himself up as the Citizen-Chairman of the Committee For Public Safety. - warning, there are spoliers for the series in that article.
My friend (who had already read the book) asked what the problem was. I slowly said, "Rob S. Pierre." He looked at me blankly. Then I said (a tad more loud than I ought), "Committee for Public Safety?"
He shrugged and said, "So?"
"French Revolution?" Replied I.
"No, this is Science Fiction," says he.
"Arrggghhhh!" says I.
I then, told him that his education was lacking ("F-ing Moron" was the specific term if I recall), and then proceeded to detail the blood-letting that was the French Revolution. He thought it was similar to the American Revolution. He had no idea what a bloody mess it was.
I don't often see it put this way, but the reading I have of les Thermidoriens was that they toppled Robespierre with the express intention of continuing the blood-letting, but from their own list. When the people started rejoicing in the streets, they found it politic to re-assess their plans. They underestimated just how tired everyone was of the Terror. . .
According to the Fordham University link: ". . . in the five months from September, 1793, to February 5, 1794, the revolutionary tribunal in Paris convicted and executed 238 men and 31 women and acquitted 190 persons, and that on February 5 there were ( ... )
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