I'm leaving for the Kalamazoo conference today, so will not be able to be in class for the dry run. (I'm not a medievalist, but they let us do Tolkien!).
Viacom tries to suppress protests (over the whitewashed casting of a live action film based on an animated series) by claiming it "owns" the names and images: The OTW response.
ETA: Pushback Worked!. Apparently Zazzle blames Viacom, and Viacom blames Zazzle, but the artist's work is back on the site!
First draft, second half, Only One WIndow (still rough--it needs work on pacing, beat/image correlation), but I'm experimenting with some images w/out music and music w/out images, and with a picasa "movie" imported into MWMM
Article linked to is by Cory Doctorow in BoingBoing that starts by quoting a Twitter from Lawrence Lessig: "Warner Music has issued a takedown of one of my presos on YouTube. Someone send them a copy of 107 ("fair use")."
Girls Having Fun: Creating My First Fan VidMy final project this term will be in the form of an extensive blog entry that makes use of my earlier posts in LiveJournal as well as material created especially for the blog. I have chosen to use my blog created for my poetry class because LJ has character limits (one of its few flaws!) that the blog
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