What was/is your childhood ambition?
Before my parents died, I would have said it was to continue and carry on their legacy-- to be the best I could be in their trapeze group.
Afterwords, some of that was still partially true. I still wanted to be the best I could be, but there was no more trapeze group to work hard in. There was just me, all alone in Gotham City, wanting revenge on the man that killed my parents. Then Bruce Wayne came along, the city's favorite son, the man everyone wanted a piece of, and he adopted me. Nothing really changed for me-- or atleast, that's what I had originally thought-- and I still wanted nothing more than to give Anthony Zucco a piece of my mind and what he deserved. I never thought I'd get that chance, but I did.
As fate would have it, my adopted father was Batman. The caped crusader of Gotham and the protector of the city. I wanted nothing more than to become his partner and to help him can the crooks that terrorized the city, and that included Zucco. He was my top priority. So I did... I trained hard-- harder than ever. Fueled to put a stop to Zucco, so he couldn't hurt anymore people... anymore families. I became Robin, Batman's sudden new sidekick, always full of witty remarks-- pushed to the best of my abilities by the determination to find my parents' murderer.
When I did, I remember wanting to put an end to him, but something stopped me. A single thought ran through my mind at that moment. 'By killing him, you're becoming like him. Is that what you want?'
I never killed him... but I got my revenge when I threw him in prison, where he still is today, serving up his twelve year sentence. I never let him ruin me. Infact, my determination to make him pay made me grow stronger, but I learned a valuable lesson from that pursuit. Killing a killer doesn't make things right, no matter how much it hurts to know what he did.
After that, I wasn't sure what I had to fight for anymore, but after thinking about it for a long time, I realized that wasn't true. I had the people of Gotham City to fight for; the people that couldn't protect themselves from the psychos and gangbangers that roamed the city.
If anything, my childhood ambition still hasn't left me, but it's taken many different forms along the way to where I am now.
Muse: Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Fandom: DC Universe
Words: 415