Challenge #42 - Sisterhood

Aug 02, 2008 22:16

Episode Challenges are back!

This week your icons will have to feature one of the below captures from the episode 2x01 - Sisterhood.

To make it more of a challenge, you can only use the pictures below!

(click the images for bigger versions)

The rules are simple:
+ You can enter up to three icons (each icon from a different image is preferred, but not mandatory)
+ You can only use the images provided
+ LJ standards apply: max 100x100px, less than 40kb, .jpg, .png or .gif
+ Text, brushes, textures and stock images are allowed
+ Blending is allowed
+ The icons must be made for the challenge and kept anonymous until it ends
+ Comment to this post with your icon and the URL

+ Challenge ends on Saturday, 8th August, 8-10pm GMT

+ This week's special category will be Best Use Of Text. Note that your icons don't have to be textless, this is just an extra category that won't influence 1st to 3rd places or mod's choice.

Current no. of entries: 11, from 4 participants

Any questions/comments/suggestions can be posted in a reply to this post, all comments will be screened.

challenge post, ch42

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