jacked from sin
1. Name: vladimir emmerich
2. Age: 27
3. Gender: MENG
4. How tall are they?: 5'8" i think. shorty ;3;
5. Describe their eyes: bleu.
6. Sexuality: he'll settle for either, but usually it's tits plz
7. Race/Species: rhoan-ibizian. oh me and my made up nationalities. HURR
8. Siblings?: viktor!
9. Lover(s)?: particularly attached to ilea, but he just sleeps around with whoever he can get his hands on.
10. Any talents or abilities, even if these are included in your canon (i.e. they can fly, but they live with angels, so everyone can fly)?: nnnot really?
11. Any talents and abilities that are unusual in their canon (i.e. a psychic human in real life)?: he's possessed? D: although that's not too uncommon for his race, so...
12. What’s their religion/belief system?: jewish parents, raised catholic, currently agnostic. what a fucking mess.
13. Have you ever renamed, redesigned, or reworked this person? How?: TOO MANY TIMES 8C TRUST ME IT WOULD BE TL;DR.
14. Do they have an alternate form?: nah
15. Are they based on a real person?: not that i know of
16. Or another character?: no
17. Do they go to school?: failed hard and dropped out of high school.
18. How often do they spend in front of a mirror?: he's actually afraid of mirrors, lol. thinks there are cameras in them.
19. If given a gun, what would they do?: name it. idk he usually has a gun anyway, i don't think he would really care.
20. What do they like wearing?: whatever's comfortable. or nothing.
21. Describe their hair: ugly.
22. Where does this character live?: imperial city in penance. it's like an over industrialized version of some 1920's city. i'm a loser SHHHH
23. Can they cook?: not to save his life. he burns cereal, i'm sure.
24. Would they enjoy a surprise party thrown for them?: only if it doesn't cut into sextiem.
25. Have they ever killed someone?: a few outside his job.
26. Do they feel guilty about that killing/multiple killings?: not really. thought they were planning on killing him, so he figured he had to get to them first.
27. Any secrets?: he doesn't like to let on that he's a loony, but he doesn't hide it very well so it's not much of a secret. uh, banging viktor's wife is sort of a secret.
28. Do they have a tattoo?: i wish, but i suck at designing them.
29. What about piercings?: ear gauges and a prince albert. fantastic.
30. Medical conditions?: schizophrenic, but other than that he's pretty healthy.
31. Are they generally violent?: usually so, but only because he's paranoid. ...although he does get a kick out of fighting once every so often 8C; uh.
32. Are they shy or outgoing?: outgoing. painfully shy as a kid though.
33. Honest or deceitful?: whatever suits him at the time tbh.
34. Optimistic or Pessimistic?: actually he's a pretty optimistic dude despite the whole EVERYONE IS TRYING TO KILL ME thing.
35. Loving or distant?: distant
36. Young or old?: yes.
37. Bad or good?: depends
38. Are they good at winning an argument?: he tries, but he usually just ends up punching people in the mouth.
39. Name something unusual about them: possessssssed ooooooh~
40. Are they a virgin?: nope
41. Have they ever had sex with their own gender?: once in a while he will for the domination factor.
42. Name some prejudices they have: religion = shit, marriage = prison, father = douche.
43. Give me something random about them: he collects wine, but just red wine for some reason.
44. Do they drink?: ja.
45. Smoke?: ja ja
46. Do drugs?: ja ja ja. not too frequently though.
47. Are they addicted to anything?: sex perhaps?
48. What’s their impression on people at first glance?: PROBABLY JUST HERE FOR THE TITS AND THE BEER.
49. Is this true once they’re better known to someone?: most of the time
50. Name something that’s different about them now than when you first came up with them: physical appearance changed. used to be anthropomorphic, isn't anymore, etc.
51. Is there anything about this character that’s surprising to you?: he doesn't have every STD known to man
52. How was their childhood?: first half was lousy, second half was decent. was in and out of the asylum a lot, didn't have a lot of friends because of that, but he lived in luxury and had a fucking pony, so. can't complain too much i guess.
53. What’s one of their weaknesses? doesn't really trust people.
54. Their greatest strength?: er
55. Something they hate: monkeys.
56. Something they love: living. he's a walking contradiction, i know.
57. How’s their self esteem?: good now.
58. One thing they hate about themselves: being rhoan
59. One thing they love about themselves: his badi.
60. How’s their ego?: decent. doesn't particularly think he's better than anyone else though. ...except when it comes to sex.
61. Describe their past: boring.
62. How was their family life?: biological parents didn't really care about him or his brother, he was adopted but since his adoptive father doesn't like imperfection he didn't get along so well with him either. he and his brother are supa tite and his mother just kinda worries about him.
63. Are they happy now? Why?: neutral i think 6_9 kind of miffed about having to deal with being crazy, but he tries make the best of situations so it kind of balances things out for him.
64. Do you like them?: i'd want to break his arm sometimes but sure.
65. Would you get along with them if you met them in real life?: probably not.
66. Would they like you?: i doubt it.
67. Are they smart?: definitely not book-smart.
68. Are they tricky?: to draw? fuck yes.
69. Do you know how they are going to die?: haven't figured out the specifics yet. GO ME.
70. Do you plan on killing them off?: yeah, if only because eden has to die.
71. Do they like to read?: he reads like molasses runs, but he enjoys it.
72. What’s their favorite book?: harold and the purple crayon.
73. Movie?: it would probably be clockwork orange or harold and maude or something equally random.
74. Person?: chuck norris.
75. Time of day?: morning, surprisingly enough.
76. Animal?: dog.
77. Thing to do?: fuck. keepin' it classy, guy.
78. Are you tired of this meme yet?: QUITE.
79. Has it helped you?: shhhhh 8c
80. Will you do it for another character?: probably, don't know who though. suggestionssss? ;;