mysonsrmarried: *opens the door after hearing the doorbell ring*
riotangelstar: ::smiles as the door opens::
mysonsrmarried: *smiles also*
joshymadd: Hi, Mom
mysonsrmarried: Hello, Joshua.
riotangelstar: Hi Ms. Madden. ::hands Ms. Madden a box of chocolates and some flowers:: I brought these for you.
mysonsrmarried: *takes the flowers and chocolates with a smile* Thank you, Star. It's lovely to meet you.
joshymadd: Can we come in?
riotangelstar: ::smiles:: It's nice to meet you too.
mysonsrmarried: *steps aside*
mysonsrmarried: Can I get you two something to drink?
riotangelstar: ::walks inside:: you have a beautiful home
joshymadd: *walks into the house behind Star*
mysonsrmarried: Thank you.
joshymadd: No, thanks
riotangelstar: I'm fine. Thank you.
mysonsrmarried: Tell me about yourself,Star.
joshymadd: *sits down on the living room sofa*
riotangelstar: ::sits next to Josh:: well, I'm 19 and taking classes at the local college. ::smiles::
joshymadd: *smiles* And she's awesome with kids
mysonsrmarried: That's nice. what are you studying?
riotangelstar: ::smiles at Josh then looks back at Ms. Madden:: I'm taking a mostly liberal arts courses right now, a little bit of everything, trying to decide what I want to concentrate in.
mysonsrmarried: *nods* How did the two of you meet?
riotangelstar: It was at one of the parties that Bryan had over the summer I believe..::smiles at Josh::
joshymadd: Yeah, it was
mysonsrmarried: That's nice.
riotangelstar: ::nods:: we started out as friends...and it just...grew from there.
mysonsrmarried: *smiles proudly*
joshymadd: *smiles*
riotangelstar: ::smiles::
mysonsrmarried: *stands up* Dinner is ready. Have a seat.
joshymadd: *stands up* What's for dinner?
riotangelstar: ::stands up::
mysonsrmarried: Lasagna
riotangelstar: ::grins:: I love lasagna.
joshymadd: Ooh, my favorite *smiles*
riotangelstar: ::walks over to the table and sits down::
joshymadd: *sits down in the seat next to Star*
riotangelstar: ::smiles:: Can I help with anything?
mysonsrmarried: *goes into the kitchen to get the food*
mysonsrmarried: I'm fine. Thank you Star.
riotangelstar: ::nods and puts my napkin in my lap::
mysonsrmarried: *brings out the dinner and sets it on the table*
joshymadd: *picks with the centerpiece on the table*
mysonsrmarried: Joshua! Stop that!
riotangelstar: ::nudges Josh lightly and whispers:: stop it
joshymadd: *blushes a little and puts my hand down*
riotangelstar: ::smiles at Josh::
mysonsrmarried: *serves dinner*
riotangelstar: It looks great.
mysonsrmarried: Thank you.
mysonsrmarried: Joshua, would you say grace?
joshymadd: *points to myslef* Me?
mysonsrmarried: *nods*
joshymadd: *sighs* Ok *bows my head*
riotangelstar: ::bows my head slightly::
joshymadd: Thanks godd for this food, now let's eat
mysonsrmarried: *bows my head and folds my hands*
riotangelstar: ::smiles and lifts my head::
mysonsrmarried: *hears the doorbell*
Redcadillac05 has entered the room.
mysonsrmarried: Mark!
Redcadillac05: Hi!
mysonsrmarried: *quickly sets another plate*
joshymadd: What's he doing here?
Redcadillac05: your mother invited me
joshymadd: Why?
Redcadillac05: I don't know
Redcadillac05: she told me you were having dinner later
mysonsrmarried: There is plenty of food.
Redcadillac05: I already had dinner with my daughter thanks anyways
riotangelstar: Hi Mark!
mysonsrmarried: Sorry Joshua
Redcadillac05: Hi Star
joshymadd: It's ok, I just wished you'd have told me
Redcadillac05: I just stopped by to say hello
riotangelstar: ::waves, smiling::
mysonsrmarried: *sips my drink and smiles at Star*
joshymadd: Did you make dessert?
Redcadillac05: *pats Star on the back* thanks for the invitation Ms. Madden..I should get going now though
mysonsrmarried: Yes. Your favorite.
riotangelstar: ::takes a bite of the lasagna:: oh this is very good.
joshymadd: *waves at Mark* Bye Mark, thanks for coming
mysonsrmarried: Thank you dear. *eats*
Redcadillac05: bye have fun tonight.
riotangelstar: bye Mark.
Redcadillac05 has left the room.
joshymadd: Mom, can I have dessert before I eat this?
riotangelstar: ::eats::
mysonsrmarried: No, Joshua
riotangelstar: Josh...::laughs::
joshymadd: *pouts and takes a bite of my food*
riotangelstar: ::pats your arm::
mysonsrmarried: Star, tell me about your family.
riotangelstar: parents and brother still live in New Jersey. ::takes a sip of water::
mysonsrmarried: *nods* What part of New Jersey?
riotangelstar: central. Near the Asbury Park area
mysonsrmarried: I've been there. *smiles*
riotangelstar: ::smiles:: yeah, I like it there. It can get a little boring, but it's a good area.
mysonsrmarried: I have friends in Lincroft.
riotangelstar: oh really? my friend works in lincroft. ::smiles::
joshymadd: *eats my dinner*
mysonsrmarried: How nice! Where does your friend work?
riotangelstar: the acme. ::takes a bite of dinner::
mysonsrmarried: *smiles* I used to buy Joshua's diapers at that Acme.
riotangelstar: ::giggles a little::
joshymadd: *looks up from my food and shakes my head* No, Mom...don't.
mysonsrmarried: I once took all of the children to the St. Leo's carnival.
riotangelstar: ::grins at Josh::
mysonsrmarried: Benjamin ate too much and threw up on Joel.
riotangelstar: Oh really? I've never been actually. :::laughs:: aww...
joshymadd: *laughs* That was funny
mysonsrmarried: *laughs also*
riotangelstar: poor Joel.
mysonsrmarried: My Joshua won a huge stuffed bear for Sarah.
riotangelstar: aww...::smiles:: what a nice big brother.
mysonsrmarried: *smiles at Joshua*
joshymadd: It was for me, but you made me give it to her
mysonsrmarried: *glares at Joshua*
riotangelstar: oh. ::sips my drink::
mysonsrmarried: So.. what are your wedding plans?
joshymadd: *eats my food*
joshymadd: We don't have any...yet
mysonsrmarried: And why not?
joshymadd has entered the room.
riotangelstar has entered the room.
riotangelstar: well...I wanted to meet you, and with everything that's been going on...we haven't had much time to think about it. The baby has been the number one prority.
mysonsrmarried: *nods*
riotangelstar: ::sips my water::
joshymadd: Have you seen Mikaya since she's been home from the hospital?
mysonsrmarried: I left a message with Monet but she hasn't called me.
joshymadd: Oh
riotangelstar: ::eats my food::
joshymadd: *takes a sip of water*
mysonsrmarried: *eats my food*
mysonsrmarried: Joshua, how is work?
riotangelstar: ::looks at Josh, taking a bite of my food::
mysonsrmarried: *looks at Joshua also*
joshymadd: It's ok
joshymadd: We're not bankrupt...yet
mysonsrmarried: *almost choaks on my food*
mysonsrmarried: Do your brothers know that?
joshymadd: *looks up from my food* Know what?
mysonsrmarried: *eats again* Nothing dear.
riotangelstar: ::frowns a little and busys myself with my food::
joshymadd: So, how have you been, Mom?
mysonsrmarried: I've been busy helping the twins.
joshymadd: Oh
joshymadd: Benj told me that you and him did some shopping the other day
mysonsrmarried: Yes, we did.
mysonsrmarried: And I'm not telling you what we bought you.
joshymadd: *mutters* Damn.
riotangelstar: ::grins:: so he does that with you too?
mysonsrmarried: Joshua!
mysonsrmarried: I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap!
joshymadd: *looks up* Sorry, it slipped
riotangelstar: ::smiles amused::
mysonsrmarried: You have your hands full with this one, Star.
riotangelstar: I have to hide stuff at other people's houses when I buy something for him.
riotangelstar: ::smiles and looks at Josh:: I'm sure I do. But I think I'll be okay.
mysonsrmarried: *nods and smiles*
joshymadd: *smiles*
riotangelstar: ::grins then eats another bite::
joshymadd: Have you talked to Joel lately? I haven't heard from him in a while
mysonsrmarried: Yes. I spoke with him last night.
joshymadd has left the room.
riotangelstar: ::sips my water and takes a last bite of my dinner:: that was very good Ms. Madden.
mysonsrmarried: Thank you Star.
mysonsrmarried: Is there anything about Joshua you would like to know about?
riotangelstar: ::grins:: anything that you want to tell me, embarassing stories are best.
mysonsrmarried: *smiles*
riotangelstar: ::smiles::
mysonsrmarried: Everyone always thinks that Benjamin is the momma's boy. But its really Joshua.
riotangelstar: really?
mysonsrmarried: *nods*
riotangelstar: like what kind of stuff does he do?
mysonsrmarried: It's more like what he used to do.
riotangelstar: ::nods::
mysonsrmarried: He was the only one of my children who was ever an only child.
mysonsrmarried: And we have always been close because of that.
mysonsrmarried: The twins always had each other.
riotangelstar: ::nods:: that's true. he and the twins are...two years apart?
mysonsrmarried: *smiles* yes
riotangelstar: ::smiles:: a whole two years with mommy to himself. What kind of things did he do
riotangelstar: ?
mysonsrmarried: I took him to the park and to the zoo. Just the two of us.
riotangelstar: aww...
mysonsrmarried: I think that's why he loves animals so much.
riotangelstar: did...did he watch sesame street a lot when he was little?
mysonsrmarried: Why, yes he did
riotangelstar: ::smiles::
mysonsrmarried: Does he still watch it?
riotangelstar: not so much watch least not that I know of. but he still loves it. Mikaya's room at the house is Sesame Street themed
mysonsrmarried: How often does he see my granddaughter?
riotangelstar: as much as Monet will let him.
mysonsrmarried: How often is that?
riotangelstar: ::sighs:: not that often.
mysonsrmarried: *shakes my head, sadly*
riotangelstar: but he calls all the time, she just doesn't answer.
joshymadd has entered the room.
riotangelstar: the door or the phone.
mysonsrmarried: I've tried calling her too
riotangelstar: ::nods::
riotangelstar: So Joshy...your mom was just telling me about how used to watch Sesame Street a lot. ::grins at him::
riotangelstar: heheh
joshymadd: It was my favorite show
riotangelstar: ::smiles::
mysonsrmarried: *smiles*
riotangelstar: so what else do I need to know about this one?
mysonsrmarried: He's a lovely boy and I'm sure that he will make you very happy.
joshymadd: *smiles*
mysonsrmarried: *winks at Joshua*
riotangelstar: ::smiles widely::
riotangelstar: I'm sure he will to. ::smiles at him::
joshymadd: *smiles at Star before looking back at my mom* When's dessert?
riotangelstar: ::laughs::
mysonsrmarried: After you clear the table, Joshua. *winks at Star*
riotangelstar: ::grins::
riotangelstar: ::hands Josh my plate::
joshymadd: *sighs and murmurs* Damnit *stands up and starts picking up the dirty plates*
riotangelstar: ::hits his arm playfully:: watch that mouth. ::smiles::
mysonsrmarried: Star, Let me show you how to wash his mouth out.
joshymadd: No, I'm just slipped out
riotangelstar: ::grins::
mysonsrmarried: mmhmm
riotangelstar: you'll have to show me if he does it again
riotangelstar: ::grins::
mysonsrmarried: I will
joshymadd: *brings the dirty dishes to the kitchen and puts them in the sink before walking back into the dining room* I don't have to wash them to too, do I?
mysonsrmarried: No, sweetheart. I'll leave them for Benjamin.
riotangelstar: ::laughs::
joshymadd: *laughs and sits back down in my seat*
riotangelstar: ::smiles at Josh::
mysonsrmarried: *goes to get dessert*
joshymadd: *smiles* Finally.
riotangelstar: ::rubs Josh's arm lightly, smiling:: Mr. Impatient
mysonsrmarried: *sets it down in front of Joshua*
joshymadd: *smiles* Ice cream!
mysonsrmarried: You're favorite!
mysonsrmarried: *your
riotangelstar: ::laughs:: of course.
joshymadd: *smiles and eats a spoonful of ice cream*
riotangelstar: ::giggles::
mysonsrmarried: *eats also*
riotangelstar: ::takes a spoonful of ice cream::
joshymadd: So, where is Benj now?
mysonsrmarried: He's out with Joel, I think.
joshymadd: Oh, I keep telling him that he needs to get his own place, but he won't listen to me
riotangelstar: I think he's happier being closer to his kids though.
mysonsrmarried: I like having him here. And he does like being near the babies.
joshymadd: Can I move in after he moves out? *eats some ice cream*
riotangelstar: No.
riotangelstar: ::grins::
mysonsrmarried: he's not moving out
joshymadd: *looks at Star* Oh, come'll be cool
joshymadd: Of course he's moving out some day
riotangelstar: Callie's too hyper
mysonsrmarried: I'm allergic to dogs, Josh
joshymadd: What if we keep them outside? Then, can I move in?
riotangelstar: ::looks at Ms. Madden:: I see what you mean. ::grins and laughs a little::
mysonsrmarried: Benjamin put up all my christmas lights and decorations. Would you do things like that?
riotangelstar: ::smiles::
joshymadd: Yes
riotangelstar: ::looks at Josh and smiles slightly::
joshymadd: And I'd also do something Benji won't do...I'd clean *nods and eats more ice cream*
riotangelstar: ::shakes my head smiling and takes another spoonful of ice cream::
mysonsrmarried: *clears my throat*
riotangelstar: ::takes a sip of water::
riotangelstar: ::eats my ice cream::
joshymadd: *finishes my ice cream and takes a sip of water*
riotangelstar: ::finishes my ice cream:: yum.
riotangelstar: so...uh...Ms. Madden, is there anything else you'd like to know about me?
mysonsrmarried: Tell me anything you'd like to.
riotangelstar: ::shrugs and looks at Josh:: I'm not sure what else there is to tell...
joshymadd: *looks at Star and shrugs* She's a good cook
mysonsrmarried: *smiles*
riotangelstar: ::smiles:: thank you Josh.
joshymadd: *smiles* You're welcome
riotangelstar: I love kids, I love animals....::thinks:: umm....
joshymadd: We have 4 pets...and we ain't get anymore
riotangelstar: ::laughs::
mysonsrmarried: *smiles and nods*
riotangelstar: I can't think of anything else....
riotangelstar: ::takes a sip of water::
mysonsrmarried: *finishes my ice cream*
joshymadd: Well...I guess we'll be going then. I'm sure you have things to do, Mom
riotangelstar: ::looks at Josh then at Ms. Madden::
mysonsrmarried: *stands up and hugs Star*
riotangelstar: ::hugs back, a little surprised and smiles widely::
mysonsrmarried: *hugs Josh*
joshymadd: *hugs you back and smiles* Bye Mom...I'll call you later, ok?
riotangelstar: ::smiles and takes Josh's hand::
mysonsrmarried: *nods* Goodnight.
riotangelstar: Goodnight Ms. Madden
joshymadd: G'night *walks to the door with Star*
riotangelstar: ::walks with Josh::
mysonsrmarried: *waves*
riotangelstar: night