It’s much later than it should be. And it’s all Richard Wagner’s fault. Tonight’s Live from the Met was Tristan and Isolde. I find Wagner a little trance-inducing: all those big voices going at one another hammer and tongs.* And going and going and going, hammering and tonging. And you know that, of course, what is the single thing everyone
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Comments 39
But I'd be more than happy to!
I am a camellia idiot - we have one, it's bright pink, and it's probably pretty old because it has grown up through the arms of the big cereus cactus in front of the house. I should figure out what variety it is, one of these years.
Hugs and hopes for warmer weather for you.
High protein diets are well documented to make some dogs hyper so extra starch they can tolerate is gooood. It can have a calming effect, but you may not have seen much evidence of that LOL
************ I suddenly don't even want to THINK about a high protein diet.
Been fighting lj's scrapbook and did upload some pictures, but they're not organised how I wanted and they seem sort of small (puzzled frown) so I spent ages messing...
*********** Where are they?!? Couldn't find them, but I know that's me being stupid.. . .
**How** many dogs do you have???
Current dogs in the pictures so far are Noodles, Hazel & Elsa so only 8 more to go :)
[goes away and lies down for a while. comes back]
And by the photos (which I EVENTUALLY found, no thanks to lj, not a mention of a scrapbook in sight, except mine, which is empty) I assume they all live in the house with you!!???!!!!!! (Oh, the ENNEAD! I love Jan Mark!) And if those are MINI bulls, what the heck are the MAXI ones like?!? I've *met* a few bull terriers . . . indeed they were on my short list when I was contemplating the possibility of a *dog* instead of another furry alien from another planet, because they're funny and charming and they're all George Booth dogs and I LOOOVE George Booth. But I was put off by the whole 'will eat other dogs for lunch' thing. I take it you've found a way to socialise them effectively?!?
( . . . muttering to herself . . . ELEVEN. I can't . . . I can barely . . . TWO are . . . aaaaugh. . . .)
Susan from Athens
Happy Easter! (It snowed here too (a foot at least) but melted within hours.)
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