Character Info:

Aug 27, 2008 21:25

Character's Name: Hailey Ann and Hannah Leigh Robinson
Series: Original Character(s)
Age: 15
Grade Level: Freshmen
Character Type: Mage

Backstory: John and Marie Robinson were your typical American couple from a small town, working normal jobs and are fairly unremarkable aside from their magical lineage. They were not a part of the magical community at large, but their families had been known Mages, Witches and Wizards for generations.

The two settled down and started a family. Marie gave birth to twin girls, Hailey Ann and Hannah Leigh. The two were almost inseparable for most of their young lives. Often confused for one another, they ended up deciding for themselves which one would be “Hailey” and which one would be “Hannah”. And usually they stuck with the same persona, though more than once their parents would catch two Hannahs or two Haileys, which confused things further. The young children also had a bad tendency of wandering off and being hard to keep track of at times.

The two seemed almost too close and too identical, even more so than twins should normally be. They not only looked the same…they often acted the same, to the point of finishing each other’s sentences as if knowing exactly what the other was thinking and what she was about to say. This seemed strange, but to a family full of magic the more odd and unusual things were somewhat expected. What they did not expect is when Hannah, the more responsible and dependable daughter, unexpectedly ran away. In truth she did not run away, but rather, they only had one daughter all this time.

An odd gene had wandered its way through the gene pool from their ancestors further up in their family tree, and the Robinson girls apparently had a knack for self-duplication. They also had a problem controlling this ability at times, and would accidentally trigger this at times when scared or excited or upset. The girls they knew as “Hailey” and “Hannah” was merely two of these duplicates of the one daughter they truly had. At some point in their development, this magical ability went off for the first time as soon as it was developed in the womb and then lay somewhat dormant, and the twins had split by magic rather than the way that mundane identical twins are formed.

The parents were at a loss of what to do. Though technically the same entity, as two girls were officially born and had official birth certificates they simply carried on, raising two different identities for their “girls”. The “twins” were perfectly alright with this, as they had grown up with these two identities and were used to being somewhat separate and independent, having been treated as individuals all this while. It would have been more devastating for them to be told that that they couldn’t be either “Hannah” or “Hailey” any longer. The thought that they’re really the same person almost never crosses their minds, as from their point of view they’ve always been twins. Sometimes one can hide by merging with her sister, and sometimes either of the two sisters form duplicates of themselves but there’s always just two different personas that they have developed.

Though twin sisters, the two developed fairly different personalities. They obviously shared much in common but held their own opinions and beliefs. Both have hazel eyes and light, sandy brown hair, and of average height for their age. Both tend to worry, but Hailey frets over the small things while Hannah obsesses over the larger concerns. The two have similar tastes in music and television for the most part. Both are friendly, but Hailey forms many casual acquaintances as opposed to the small but tight-knit group of close friends that Hannah prefers. Hailey is more outgoing but somewhat flighty, and loves to show off and be the center of attention. Hannah differs greatly in these regards - she dresses comfortably, her hair most often up in a ponytail. She wears glasses rather than contact lenses as her sister does. And she is more dedicated and hard-working, wanting to make something of herself. Despite this work ethic Hailey seems to have more of a knack with spells, which annoys Hannah somewhat. But despite this, the flirty and fun Hailey secretly worries that people don’t take her too seriously and think she’s more of a ditz than she really is just because she doesn’t spend as much time studying as maybe she should.

The two also share more than identical looks, identical voices and even identical auras. They are deeply connected to one another, as essentially they are the same person. They can feel what happens to their sister, whether that be pleasure or pain. Hannah can always tell when her sister is off fooling around with some lucky guy (or girl), even if she’s trying to concentrate on a delicate potion formula. Hailey on the other hand is aggravated to no end when the body she takes so much care of with moisturizers and makeup and a careful diet gets bruised up because her sister is out playing field hockey, often with other duplicates of herself. Emotions transfer in this manner as well, though in both cases the feelings are not as severe in the opposite twin as the one originally feeling the emotion or pain. They have no other empathic powers, but are always connected with one another no matter how far apart they may be.

When they want to, they can also tell what the other is thinking, able to read each other’s mind without any difficulty. Both sisters get pissed off at the other for doing this, as that makes it impossible to keep secrets from the other. This also happens on accident a lot, as it’s difficult to determine where one girl’s mind ends and the other begins due to their collective conscience. When thoughts bleed over in this manner, it can get a little confusing as sometimes one sister mixes up what she did with what her sister was doing instead. More rarely they can force their presence into their twin, effectively switching roles, or can attempt to see through the other’s eyes or otherwise “borrow” their senses. Often when a twin tries this, she will more or less ignore her own senses and experience her sister’s entirely, leaving herself oblivious to anything that may go on around her.

Both went to mundane schools until they became a little more aware of their powers. Hannah was a good student, loved to learn, and had a good opportunity to do some amazing things given the right opportunities. Hailey, on the other hand…she was more prone into getting into trouble, being mischievous, hooking up with guys. Their parents wanted the best for their daughters, whether that be a great curriculum at a well-known academy or a strict Catholic upbringing at an all-girls’ school where there would be no temptation to do things inappropriate and unladylike.

With all the love and support from their parents, the two girls left their happy home life and arrived at St. Catherine’s School for Girls ready to enroll and continue their education, seemingly unspectacular from any of their other classmates aside from the curiosity behind their origin. Neither girl thinks anything strange or unusual about their situation, and are content to simply go about their normal school activities as had always been the case.

character info, application, ooc, background

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