The following are five things are what
swordianmaster associates with me, which as per the meme I agree to elaborate upon. If you want five things I associate with you, leave a comment, and then talk about 'em on your journal.
1) Batman. This is entirely because of your name. COME, BOY WONDER! :B
XD Hey, Robin was my favorite character in the Batman universe. Still is, actually, but I stopped reading the comic AGES ago because I got tired of crap. And then I decided to stick with B:TAS Dick because.... well, he was hot. And while I loved B:TAS Tim, I remember being distinctly annoyed at his intro episode because HALO THAR! Let's mix and match Jason and Tim's story and maybe we'll get something coherent!
I got better though.
2) Chris Thorndyke (and by proxy, obsessive Sonic fetishism)
... I have a tendency to fangirl the characters most others don't like? And that they mostly have a hard on or wet panties for everyone's favorite blue speedster? *shot* I still want to write Chris/Elise fic though, BECAUSE I CAN.
Seriously though, I just like the kid. And I hate the people who are all "WAI! HOW CAN YOU BE A TAILS FAN AND A CHRIS FAN?!?!?! THAT'S, LIKE, IMPOSSIBLE!!!!112121111!!!!" Okay, first off, Chris isn't taking Tail's place. The Tails in Sonic X has pretty much been following the footsteps of current game Tails where he's GROWING UP. You know, standing on his own two legs, blah blah blah. Besides, Tails was too busy hanging out with Chuck and upgrading the X-Tornado for the 20th time. Chris, on the other hand, is at the point Tails was when he first met Sonic: a loner kid who feels apart from everyone else for whatever reason and latches onto Sonic because... well, he's Sonic.
3) Fandoms it seems nobody but you and myself have any interest in (y halo thar Digimon, Yugioh)
Well, Digimon has been one of those fandoms that I keep going back to (much like Sonic, actually). Actually, I can blame the brother for that one, because to this day, he sends me Daisuke/Ken art he finds on the net, knowing that has always been my OTP for 02. And I'm still writing 02 fic. YGO... is cracky? I got nothing.
Except for a freaky fish guy. Where the hell did THAT come from? *tosses it*
4) Plushie perversion
. . . . . . All I can say to this one is that I BLAME RI!
5) Red text. Yes, that is seriously something I now associate with you.
Which is funny, because my favorite color and my normal chat color of choice is usually purple, but I switched to red with the Chris name because no one was using it and because for some reason Red just screams CHRIS THORNDYKE to me. Must be his shirt.
ETA: And now, from
carriepika 1: Princess Elise III of Soleanna~
Again, me and my obsession with characters that no one else seems to like. XD
But, I love her to pieces. She's adorable, awkward and got to kiss Sonic while Amy was watching (yes he was dead at the time, but shhhhh). She's voiced by Sakamoto Maaya in the Japanese. And it's not her fault she was a character in the glitchest Sonic game ever. (Seriously? A loading screen to walk two feet. WTF?)
2: Ishida Uryuu
The Quincy. My favorite character from BLEACH. And, funny enough, is lot like my roommate when it comes to sewing. Seriously. I mean, she's even going to school for costume design.
Ishida is actually the reason I started watching BLEACH, since I was flicking through channels one night and just happened to stop when I heard Ken Ichijouji's voice come from my speakers. I started watching and realized that the dorky guy with the glasses was, in fact, voiced by Derek Stephen Prince (and then there was Michiru, who is voiced by the same chick who voiced Sora. Digimon VA reunion show, much?). So, I watched that one episode (Which, was like, 13 or 14) and then didn't watch again until sometime last June when I accidentally turned it on during the Bount arc.
And then I kept watching, because even if it was filler, it was Ishida filler and I was happy. And I needed something to do while doped up on pain meds for two weeks, so I went and got ahold of 170-something eps of the series in Japanese.
.... never said I was sane.
3: Daisuke Motomiya (Yes, Davis specifically. |D)
Hahahahahahah. Ah... Davis. Dear, dear goggle headed boy that a lot of the fandom bashed back in the day. Both you and your sister got a bum rap. And the best part, Jeff Nimoy HIMSELF said that Davis was one of his favorite characters from season two. I was there when he said it (to this day, Q&A with Q&J has got to be one of the best panels I've ever gone to at a con, period). To be honest, though, I didn't really start to like him until during the Kaiser defeat round of episodes. And then I really liked him when it seemed as if he was the only 'destined who didn't have his head up his ass when it came to the whole "Oh, BOOHOO, WE CAN'T KILL DIGIMON, WE'RE THE HEREOS! OH, WE CAN'T FORGIVE KEN, HE'S STILL BAD~!" shit that was going on. I mean, come on. I wanted to smack TK and Kari during that. Cody and Yolie, I could kinda understand, since they never did the whole 'save the Digital World' thing before, but them? I mean, come one! Devimon? Any of the Dark Masters? And not to mention, GATOMON WORKED FOR THE STUPID VAMPIREMON BEFORE EVERYONE REALIZED SHE WAS THE EIGHTH DIGIMON AND NO ONE BATTED AN EYE WHEN SHE JOINED THE GOOD GUYS. *headdesks* If anyone, TK and Kari should have been more understanding when it came to POWERS OF DARKNESS. Well, okay, TK wasn't so bad here, he just said he hoped that Davis knew what he was doing, but KARI?! UGH. She got better though. XD
I still firmly believe, though, that at that point in the series? Davis was the only one living up to his crests, for it takes courage to extend friendship to those who need it.
And Daisuke/Ken will forever be my Digimon Adventure 02 OTP.
4: Atemu~
Everyone's favorite children's card game playing Pharaoh. It's funny, actually, what attracted me to YGO in the first place was the Ancient Egypt background. I've always been a sucker for anything involving Ancient Egypt and an anime that yeah, is about card games that save the world but has roots in AE? SWEET.
Also, Atemu is hot and has no pants. That works for me!
5: Weiß Kreuz (For being one of the TWO fans of this series I haven't wound up hating with a passion after getting to know them. ♥)
I'm gonna guess who the other one is. ^.~ Weiß was one of theose series I got into because I was seiyuu stalking, and this just happened to the series they pretty much all conjugated in. Koyasu Takehito? Check. Seki Tomokazu? Check. Miki Shinichiro? Check. Midorikawa Hikaru? Check. Okiayu Ryoutaro? Check. Hell, even Seki Toshihiko is in it too! (Knight, anyone?) Besides, four guys who are florists by day, assassins by night, one of which has a sister complex so huge that not only does he steal her earring while comatose, but her very name too? It's too cracky not to watch!