Post a list of all your roleplaying journal names and explain what the names mean, if anything.
Chris Thorndyke (not_my_age) - totally used because of when I took him from. Metarex saga, anyone? XD
Yuugi Mutou (obsessed_gamer) - They play children's card games in order to save the world. I don't think much else needs to be said.
Aya-chan Fujimiya (awakenedslumber) - because she spent two years in a coma as the reason one character does everything he does. Now, she's awake. So yeah.
Princess Elise III (just_smile) - Because this phrase is what Sonic tells her all throughout the game. Seriously. And it's the last thing he tells her before she resets time.
Ken Ichijouji (chosen_kindness) - Ken's the Chosen Child of Kindness. I'm not exactly original, can you tell?
Ishida Uryuu (chibi_quincy) - Because he's a Quincy and he's not his normal, I'm 15 and emo self. As a matter of fact, he's cheery, but that might be because his Sensei hasn't died yet.
Private RP:
18!Chris Thorndyke (chris_thorndyke) - was totally not in the mood at the time to think of usernames
Uryuu Ishida (quincy_pride) - BY MY PRIDE AS A QUINCY. Enough said.
Daisuke "Davis" Motomiya (goggle_boy) - His image song. Totally could NOT use it, honestly.
Princess Elise III (my_destiny) - Her image song from the Vocal Traxx Several Wills CD.
Roxas (orgy_13) - I think this was meant to be a joke that fell relatively flat.
Donatello (techie_turtle) - It's DONATELLO. That should be an explanation in and of its self.
Kurosaki Isshin (loud_pappa) - Because he so totally IS.
Shindou Shuichi (pink_pop_star) - Because honestly? When you think of Shuichi, what else do you think, besides GAY and "YUUUUUUKKKKIIIIIII~~~~~~!"?
Atemu (pharaohnopants) - For while he's Pharaoh, he wears a shenti and thus, has no pants. Also a running joke from AWA one year. And a name of a comm on LJ that I started.
Ishida Uryuu (the_last_quincy) - .. Pretty self-explanatory I think.
Journals made by not in use at the moment:
Senna (memory_rosary) - Because that's what she ends up being.
Arisawa Tatsuki (dragon_fist) - Because the first kanji in her name means "dragon" and her fists are mighty mighty weapons that should be feared. Also, she can kick the ass of just about anyone at school, besides Ichigo, who just happens to be one of her best friends, besides Orihime.
BLEACH Dressing Room:
Ishida Uryuu (sewing_prince) - Well, this is ISHIDA. He's the King of Sewing at Karakura High and loves to dress as a the dashing knight in white who ends up missing a hand while attempting to protect the princess.
Yuugi Mutou (not_pharaoh) - for he's totally not Atemu, wut.
Oh, and because I'm an idiot, I know that I missed a bunch of August birthdays. So, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO THE FOLLOWING:
utahimelorelei &
insanepurin. &hearts