Icon meme

Jan 14, 2010 22:13

Icon meme
- Leave me a comment if you want to do the meme (also tell me, as some people just like to comment and don't want to do the meme XD)
- I will reply with 6 of your icons and then you have to post this up and describe them!

From carriepika

Seki Tomakazu being cute. And pretty. In pink, even! Picked up because I've always been a seiyuu fan and this Seki (among with the other Seki) have always been favorites of mine.

It's Koyasu in a bunny suit! And this was originally done for F-W, I think.

Because the way to fight possessed people is apparently to arm yourself with a golf club! I still mourn the passing of Archie's Sonic X comic, I like Sonic Universe and Sonic the Hedgehog, but neither title is what brought me back to the Sonic comics. There was still so much they could have expanded on (I would have loved to seen an arc or two set during the Metarex saga, after all), but NOOOOOO~! End the really good comic for stuff that's, in my opinion (and I know other's don't share it, and that's their right) for something that's kinda 'meh'.

In response to all those "I HATE CHRIS"/"CHRIS MUST DIE" so-called fans of the Sonic series. Why, yes, I AM a Chris fan, can you too?

The Heat the Soul 3 game for the PSP had an unlockable video, where Byakuya, Renji, Soi-fon and Hitsugaya running around with Don Kanonji. I've seen it subtitled, but I don't remember what was really going on, only that apparently, Ichigo and Ishida ended up being the bell boys/cleaning crew at some resort. Ishida looked downright demented at the end, and that's where this screenshot/icon came from.

The Omake from episode 252 continued the tradition of Ichigo mocking Ishida and had the random picture balloon. Originally, the balloon had a picture of the Seele Schneider, but someone mentioned that it would be funny to put different things in the balloon and I had made this for Marco Thursday on capslock_bleach and then I made an icon out of it.


From indilee

Have you seen the pants that boy wears? The really isn't much else you can say to that, really. I saw the icon, snerked and nicked for my journal.

From the first part of that "Ichigo mocks Ishida" omake, it was too good of a omake not to take screenshots and make icons out of. His 'emo tear' one is from it as well, and the way that Ichigo mocks him in this is something that I could totally see Ichigo doing in the actual series.

Made by marika_ikeda, for roommates are love. This icon came about when we were watching Rock Musical BLEACH: Bankai Show 002, during Where is My Body?. where I said that I would an icon of Tatsuya humping the camera, and that is what she sent me. <3

STRIP, KAIBA, STRIP!!! I think Hales made this icon in response to discussion on PTDC about AE arc episodes.

This icon is hot? Seriously, I need a reason? >.> XD

Another Hales icon, I believe again in response to comments made in PTDC about how Yuugi likes to run through the streets of Domino without any shoes.


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