I guess laughter really is the best medicine.

Aug 02, 2006 01:31

I won't go blow-by-blow on the performances, all that really needs to be said is that DragonForce sucked, and System and Disturbed kicked ass. I've gotta to say Disturbed moreso. When System was performing, they just went out, played, and left, there wasn't a lot of give and take with the fans that the other performances saw. They brought the energy, but it felt like they could've given the fans a bit more considering this is their last tour for [diety] knows how long

This went better than I could have ever possibly imagined. Even the heatwave and NJ Transit deciding to suck today couldn't ruin this event. First off, WHOOPIE FUCKING GOLDBERG walked right by us on her way into the venue. She was there to kick off the event and thank the fans for showing up. She went a bit into the "unusual" nature of an event like this, how it wasn't a concert or a comedy act, but 3 authors managed to sell out Radio City. She had the first of many "lines of the night" with "You know why Rowling fan's keep screaming, its because King's fans keep whispering 'Hey, you know Harry bites it at the end!' "

After that, KATHY FUCKING BATES introduced Stephen King, after reminding us that she's his "number one fan." The line was just as chilling as when I first heard it on film all those years ago.

So speaking of King, he is, without doubt.... the [mother fucking] man. He read the pie eating contest segment from The Body (from Different Seasons, made into the film Stand By Me). He broke the story a few times for his own commentary, with a "serious" author like Irving and, well, Rowling on deck its really a testemant to him to start off an event like this with a gross out story.

Someone came out to introduce Irving, who read from A Prayer For Owen Meany. Irving had this, larger than life presence, it was like being in the presence of a modern day Twain or Dickens.

In the biggest surprise of the night, JOHN FUCKING STEWART introduced Rowling, who read from Half Blood Prince.

After that, the three did a pretty short Q&A, which King owned. Surprisingly, the crowd was pretty evenly split with only a slight majority their for Rowling. It only seemed she had a bulk of the crowd becuase her support was simply the loudest.

Anyway I finished Irving's Fourth Hand on the train ride up, and I'm really in the mood to just dive back into King now. I'll probably check out the Black House series next and possibly Cell/Carrie/The Shining.

But yeah, great great night all in all. Bates and Stewart were just mind blowing surprises on top of everything else that was to be expected. I wouldn't trade this night for anything in the world.
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