Today's date is 05/05/05. That shit don't happen all the time. Come 2013, you'll miss it. Lord knows I miss the last palindromic date we had, back on October 22, 2001.
hey thanks for letting me know a day late jerk, now I missed it! Dude, where are your manners, think about your friends on the other side of the world. now I'll just have to wait til 06/06/06, I'm not sure I'll make it.
So unless I've got it all backwards, the next true pallindromic date should be January 11th, 2010, with several more of these days cropping up until we hit December 22nd, 2021, which will be the last pallindromic date for nearly a century, until October 11th 2101. I think.
If we read months as 01, 02, etc, there will be two in January 2010, two in November 2011, and two in December 2021. If we don't read months like that, then yeah, 10/11/01.
Oh, and for the record, there's NO POSSIBLE WAY to get a palindrome backwards. It should be noted that I'm not saying today's date is palindromic, in case anybody was confused.
yeah they do that here too. Like today its 6/5/05. But I'm saying it less condescending. Dis (this part is condescending, I wonder if I spelled that right?)
Comments 13
Oh, and for the record, there's NO POSSIBLE WAY to get a palindrome backwards. It should be noted that I'm not saying today's date is palindromic, in case anybody was confused.
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