roboninny: man i wish i was there
roboninny: i miss you guys
Chemical N13: i wish you were here too
Chemical N13: but you got to see TRON in a theater!
roboninny: yeah,, yeah i did
roboninny: and it ROCKED
roboninny: like a million points
Chemical N13: were there extra scenes in it?
roboninny: there might have been
roboninny: there was stuff i hadn't noticed before
Chemical N13: i don't remember any popcorn references in the movie
Chemical N13: but michelle said there was one
roboninny: that was definately in the dvd
roboninny: the popcorn
roboninny: i mean
roboninny: i think it was the same
Chemical N13: man, i wonder why i can't remember it
roboninny: but i'll have to watch it again
roboninny: on dvd
roboninny: they had the two tron t-shirts there on display only
Chemical N13: mmmmm..... guava nectar and tang make a tasty mix
roboninny: originals mind you
Chemical N13: holy crap
Chemical N13: did you get a picture?
roboninny: nope,, no cameras
Chemical N13: weird
roboninny: i came up with an idea for a t-shirt though watching the movie
roboninny: there's this one line i think would be awesome
Chemical N13: oh really?
Chemical N13: which one?
roboninny: "Who is your user, program?"
Chemical N13: lol
Chemical N13: that would make for a fine shirt
Chemical N13: would it have dillinger on it or just text
roboninny: yep,, maybe with a pic of the MCP in the background
Chemical N13: i would totally wear that shirt
roboninny: i think the letters overlaying the MCP face would look sweet
roboninny: me too
Chemical N13: i really like the HACKER t-shirt idea as well
roboninny: ?
Chemical N13: or hax0r
Chemical N13: taking a screen shot of flynn punching one of the red guys in the face and have "hacker" underneath it
roboninny: sweet
roboninny: how about this
roboninny: ...
roboninny: (picture of recognizer)
roboninny: ie the flying ships
roboninny: or maybe a pic of the screen from in the tank
roboninny: looking at the recognizer in a crosshair
Chemical N13: yeah, they don't get enough attention
Chemical N13: the recognizers that is
roboninny: i think they get enough,, much more than say the grid bugs
roboninny: if those grid bugs get us we're goners
Chemical N13: its hard to consider grid bugs even part of the movie
roboninny: i agree
Chemical N13: i really think somebody spent an assload of time and money to make that graphic so disney desided to throw it in there even though it makes no sense at all
roboninny: maybe, i think that it was tied into the original concept and someone with some clout came up with it and they wanted it in there no matter what
roboninny: even if it didn't really fit
roboninny: but i think they deal more with them in tron 2.0
Chemical N13: well thats conforting to know