Apr 04, 2010 22:01
- 15:24 OMFG shaking and crying! I've been waiting for this for 10 years #
- 15:47 house-sitting for my aunt and uncle. am getting paid in downloaded movies which is pretty sweet. #
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Apr 02, 2010 22:01
- 13:38 @ Ashurrii @ruhgeenuh I agree about the 4th Maximum Ride book. Too short, too preachy and not enough plot. Other than that i like the series #
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Apr 01, 2010 22:00
- 20:52 my sister is laughing at Jackass. perhaps she has a sense of humour after all. #
- 21:46 omg @tbsnewagain is following me. I feel ever so slightly famous. by association #
- 22:00 Has anyone seen 'An Education' - if so would you recommend it? #
- 22:01 'Prom Night' is the worst horror movie i've ever seen. The bad guy wears a baseball hat. indoors
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Mar 31, 2010 22:00
- 18:52 I bought a new warcraft gamecard today. Now to wait for all the content to update, then I can save Azeroth once more! #
- 19:06 I also just emailed a radio station saying I won't be listening to them anymore as they are increasingly obsessed with that singing infant. #
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Mar 30, 2010 22:00
- 22:02 I feel so emo right now. they're never going to come back here. #
- 22:07 I need something to cheer me up. Why is there no chocolate in this house?? #
- 22:08 @ Ashurriii him and Fred were Taking Back Sunday to me. Even if they do come back here, it won't be the same *emosobs* #
- 22:11 @ Ashurriii that's true. thanks Ashlie. when I
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Mar 29, 2010 22:00
- 10:03 i'm watching the ep of Bones with both Deschanel sisters and almost-naked booth. it's fantastic #
- 10:50 Should I watch Star Trek or play Final Fantasy XIII? #
- 14:22 Snow is the Edward Cullen of FFXIII. I want to punch him in the face #
- 15:20 I just had to rescue my washing from the washing machine, which is half full of water and will not
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Mar 28, 2010 22:00
- 15:54 Have spent the day in hamilton at the cricket with the family. Hot as. But good time #
- 21:03 probably should have put sunscreen on my legs... oh well. #
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Mar 27, 2010 22:00
- 22:14 I lasted a month and a half without playing Warcraft. I've missed it, but i'm glad I took the break from it. #
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Mar 26, 2010 22:01
- 20:33 Watching TBBT with my brother - he's watching the pilot for the first time which is cool. #
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Mar 25, 2010 22:00
- 21:09 I've walked a total of 10km to and from work so far this week, and read 300pages while doing so. My back hurts, but that might be from work #
- 21:18 Do you kinda look like a shiny Sheldon? #
- 21:23 why can't I stop online book window-shopping? #
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