I'll have to go with Marvin. After close review it has come to my attention that Threepio does not really do anything except point out (a) the obvious, and (b) all the important stuff far too late. He also cowers at all danger, like in Empire Strikes Back when the Millennium Falcon is attacked by Mynocks, all threepio does is flail his arms and shout "shoo, shoo, go away. Marvin, on the other hand, has proven his battle qualities when Zaphod Beebleborx is being hunted down, Marvin outwits a battletank and the battle tank destroys itself. Marvin also destroys a police ship when he is talking to it. He unintentionally exploits his depression causing the police vehicle to commit suicide and thereby the police robots connected to the ship through the sub-etha also self-destruct. My, while Threepio is running amuck pointing out the obvious Marvin will become enraged and use his monstrous brain to con threepio into sitting down and having a nice chat about existentialism in which Marvin will convince Threepio that there is no purpose
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i would also go with marvin. threepio never once hurts anything or carries a weapon and in the beginning on the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy when you see marvin for the first or second time i think he's holding some kind of gun. which means he can probably use one. and kill c3po.
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