I'm Bored. Surveys!

Jul 13, 2006 00:09

A Day in the Life of You - 34 QuestionsWEEKDAYSWhat time do you usually wake up? -:8:30 If you sleep in, how many times do you press the snooze button? -:3 times What is your morning routine? -:Well...I actually watch the weatherforecast first so I can decide what to wear that day :P What's for breakfast? -:Tea/Juice and bread. Coffee or tea -:Tea Time for school/work. What transportation do you take? -:Train & Tram What time do you get to school/work by? -:I get to work attt 11. Before school/work starts, you... -:Have a cup of tea in a diner with my boss What do you do at school/work? -:I work at an financial advising office Anything that you particularly like there? -:I like the paper shredder 8-) and I make a lot of money Anything that you hate? -:Everything else there. What do you do during recess/coffee break? -:We go out to lunch everyday. Lunchtime. What do you usually eat? -:A salad and a smoothie/water. Who do you sit with? -:My bosses. There's still free time after you finish your meal. What do you do? -:Just talk and drink something When does school/work end? -:5 o'clock What do you do after school/work? -:Well I go home ey:P Do you have a tea time? -:No. What time do you have supper? -:Around 7 What's for supper? -:I ate macaroni today...eww carbs baddd Any after supper activities? -:Naw just watch tv What time do you go to bed? -:Around 1 if I have to work the next day WEEKENDS AND DAYS OFFWhat time do you usually wake up? -:10 Breakfast or brunch -:Same Coffee or tea -:Tea Do you usually go out of town? -:Yes.Amsterdam, Rotterdam whatever Any weekend obligations like volunteer work or karate lessons? -:Nope. Hobbies? -:Shoppingggg Do you spend time with your family and/or friends? -:I visit my grandfather, and then go see friends. Sports or parties or just plain hanging out? -:just plain old hanging out :) Do you drink alcohol? -:Yes Smoke? -:Yes but not as much as I used to Other recreational drugs? -:No not really. What time do you usually go to bed? -:Whenever I get home and feel tired Take this survey | Find more surveys
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The Perfect GuyHair color?:Dark. I don't like blonde guys. Eye color?:Doesn't matter. Height?:Taller then me, but not waaaay taller ya know Six pack?:Not necessarily. As long as he's not fat and a bit in shape :p Long hair or short?:Short! I HATE guys with long hair Glasses?:No Piercings?:Yeah that's ok Eyebrows?:Not to bushy:P Big butt or little?:little ofcourse. Chest hair?:Preferably not :P But I can live with it as long as it doesn;t look totally hhideous. Buff or skinny?:Buff. Teeth?:Ehh I'd like it if he has any? Section 2Funny or serious?:Both. But he has to make me smile when I'm feeling sad. Party-hopper or more stay-at-home?:Both again. I enjoy going out as much as staying home watching a movie together Should he be able to bake or cook?:Not necissarily. Does he have a best friend?:I don't mind no. I have one too Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends?:Yes. As long as their just friends :) Out-going or shy?:I like it when they're a bit shy. It's cute^^ Sarcastic or sincere?:I like sincere but I'm such a sarcast myself. Does he love his mother?:Sure. But he doesn't do anything she tells him too. Should he watch chick-flicks?:Chick flicks? Would he be a smoker?:I don't care How about a drinking?:Yes he drinks And swearing?:As much as me Would he play with your hair?:Yes^^ Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time?:No. Would he pay for you when you're on a date?:First date maybe, but not everything. I don't like that. Does he kiss on the first date?:Yes. Where would you go for dinner?:A very hip restaurant Would he buy you flowers?:No. Maybe on my birthday Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies?:Yes. Without the philosopies. We'll just make-out :p Would he write poetry about you?:No Would he use endearments?:whut Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends?:Yes. But not always How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends?:Same Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening?:Yes. Would you hold hands?:Yes. I like that. It's disgusting I know Section 3Does he play soccer?:No. Baseball?:No. Football?:No. Basketball?:NO. Water polo?:No. Golf or something equally boring?:No. Does he surf?:Yeah maybe. Skateboard?:No Snowboard?:No Can he sing?:Just as bad as me Play the guitar?:Yes Play piano?:Yes! I love piano. Play the drums?:No. Can he keep his room clean?:Yeah but a bit messy, I like a bit messy 8-) Is he an artist of sorts?:No Does he write his own music?:No Does he have pets?:Yes. A dog, or a cat maybe. Section 4Does he use the word dude?:Noooo How about tight?:Yes. Would he watch the sun rise and set with you?:Yes. What kind of car does he drive?:A convertable (H) How old is he?:between 18 and ehh 25. What's his name?:Don Juan! Hahaha no I don't care. As long as it's not Steve Urkel or somethin Take this survey | Find more surveys
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