
Nov 28, 2011 14:28

Here's the inked version of the drawing I posted, in case any of you feel like doing your own colour job. (I'm experimenting with finer lines than I usually use so it's not great, and I'm not happy that the black marker bled so much, but you know. It's all about the process.)

the grin still gets me every time. )

things i did instead of writing fanfic, smut!, sketchy mcsketcherson, artwork, iron man, tony/pepper

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Comments 10

neptunesubmerge November 28 2011, 20:52:31 UTC
What do you use to ink? The lines look smooth and I'm really curious to know how you colored Pepper's skirt. I like the texture.


roboticonograph November 28 2011, 21:39:40 UTC
I first learned to ink using a brush, and then graduated to a standard point dip pen. My junior high art teacher (who was super old-school and kind of a drill sergeant) felt it was absolutely critical for me to learn this way before graduating to a drafting pen. At that time I was pretty set on having a future in comic books, so I never even touched a rapidograph until I graduated high school.

But to answer the question you actually asked, this was done with Staedtler Pigment Liners. I got hooked on them when I studied theatre design in university. I like to work small, and I love how precise and neat they are, and how quickly they dry ( ... )


neptunesubmerge November 28 2011, 22:24:37 UTC
That first paragraph has lots and lots of words that I have no idea what they mean. I am going to go Google rapidograph.

I use Prismacolor fine tip markers to ink and basically hate them. Asked what you used because I should probably find an alternative. I used to use something else when I drew regularly, but that was years ago and I don't remember what anymore.

I hadn't noticed the bleeding, but now that you mention it, I see that the texture on the skirt that I like so much is the paper's texture brought out by the marker.

I'm sure you did not fuck it up and whatever minor imperfections you see are completely invisible to anyone else.

I think what frustrates me most about my art is that I used to be a lot better at it.

Same here.


roboticonograph November 28 2011, 22:37:02 UTC
I recommend the Staedtler Pigment Liners 150%. They're relatively inexpensive (as art supplies go) and they are so clean and sharp and perfect and love love love. My favourite feature about them is that they are waterproof and so I can paint over them.

I always hate to be a snob about art supplies because I've always felt that the tools should be secondary to the level of skill you bring to them... but then again, it really is amazing what a difference it makes when your pencils are sharp. You know?

Coloured version is up. Pepper doesn't look quite as glowy on the page as she does here. :P I'm really pleased with how her top came out, though.


luckytohaveher November 28 2011, 23:00:26 UTC

... )


roboticonograph November 29 2011, 04:20:08 UTC
Thanks. :)


cincoflex November 29 2011, 01:01:01 UTC
I love the differentiation you've done on the clothing textures, and that you caught the distinct skin tones so well--Pepper's freckles and Tony's slightly darker complexion make this piece definitely a cut above a lot of fan art.

Nicely done!


roboticonograph November 29 2011, 04:20:45 UTC
Thank you! After complaining about it endlessly, I'm actually fairly pleased with it.


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