Okay so.. do I have words to describe the happiness that I'm feeling right now?I don't think so,but let's try to find them.
So..I knew that they're gone look beautiful,but God they looked gorgeous,amazing,simply the best.
No words...she looks.....PERFECT!!Even she forgot what she was wearing she knows how to be sexy and make remarcable
I have to say that I love this picture,the way she posses for the picture is...can I say sexy or hot?Yeah definitely.All my congratulations for this girl.That's why I love her so much.
If Kris made herself noted,Rob too.He looks gorgeous in red,actually when doesn't he look beautiful?
How can he be so beautiful?Exacly like his girlfriend
And now the favorite and the most beautiful moment of the night.They posed together!!!!!And you can see the love in their eyes
The way he looks at her is just....beautiful,you can see how happy the both of them are
Okay,can i say this is one of my favorite pics from the night?Yes it is!!The way she leans on him is...makes you go like "aww"
All I can say is that they showed everything!They gave us the confirmation that someone needed,'cause we already knew that they are together
Love is in the air