I go to bed now. I work early tomorrow.
today I went
I got:
fall clothes. Dark brown cords (I love love love love love them). A red t-shirt that says 'FREESTYLE' on the front and '100 METER' on the back. I also heart this. We wonder why... narf and meep.
I got jeans. Necessary things they are. I got a jean jacket. I heart it. I got a blue and navy rugby shirt (pour les filles). Also, long sleeved black shirt with three buttons and a collar. I got a flowery button up shirt for casual dressy n'stuff. It's pretty and I like it. I contemplated pink... but I have ONE pink shirt, that's enough. I don't want to give anyone a heart attack...
I got tank tops for sale because it's ALL FALL CLOTHES NOW!!!. Tanks That I'm not taking tags off until I leave for warmer climes; january. Australia. Dude.
And the shopping was a gift from my mummy. I love my family - they are the best. All of 'em.
Also, I can now swim 800 meters in under 14 mins. Which is apparently a timed requirement for lifeguarding in Australia according to a website I found a while ago. Of coruse, if it's surf guarding (which it was) it's prolly the same distance, same time on open water, which is harder.
800m is 200 less than a kilometer though and I REALLY should be swimming at least 1500 for a work out. I don't even get sore anymore.... *sigh*