Sep 30, 2010 12:05
Lately I have been feeling down about the flakiness of most of my friends and acquaintances in the greater Seattle area. Maybe they are un-confrontational about saying they don't want to hang out, or maybe they are really that indecisive to the point that they can't commit to a time to hang.
Looking back at older posts (circa 2005-06) I have noticed that this same theme was happening to me then as well. Maybe it is something that I have just lulled into submission in my unconsciousness or maybe it is a figment of imagination. Either way I think its an epidemic that is plaguing our age group. Would watching Netflix by yourself really be more fun than hanging out with someone? (I am not calling anyone out nor is this the case for everyone I know. I am just bringing this noticed trend to attention so that we can grow positively.)