jes hess - the most amazing person ever, if i did not consider you one of my best friends i would run away and marry you in europe. i love you and i missed you for the week that we didn't talk.
life is amazing right now. there's no other way to describe it. seriously if it were ice cream it would be amazing flavored, with an amazing waffle cone, and amazing sprinkles.
ok well, gooe and maddy came over, we made a movie about robbie, and his mysterious origins. people should never whistle while on the phone, christin taught me that.
um. liza can't go to hellogoodbye/rocket summer. : ( x 100000000. so i guess if you want to go, you have to pay me $12, call me. of course, you'll never replace liza.
it's tomorrow, so just call (my house). first person who does, gets to go, no favoritism.
last night, i left my radio outside and then it snowed. oops. we made the shittiest fire ever, seriously, if you saw it you would be like, "that is one shitty fire."