
Dec 05, 2005 23:50

Open iTunes/iPod, Windows Media Player, or WinAmp to answer the following. Go to your library ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

mmm i could listen to music for 10.5 days without hearing the same song. fetuscollector6 December 6 2005, 04:55:29 UTC
How many songs: 3966
Sort by song title
First Song: Slipknot - (515)
Last Song: Rammstein - Zwitter

Sort by time
Shortest Song: God Dethroned - Luciferian Episode
Longest Song: Slipknot - Killers are Quiet

Sort by album:
First Album: Muse: (They're Only Chasing Safety)
Last Album: Poison the Well: You Come Before You

Top Five Most Played Songs:
meh i never use itunes

First song that comes up on Shuffle: As I Lay Dying - Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier

How many songs come up when you search...
- sex: 3.. tho i have an al green's greatest hits album... and that man defines sex. lol
- death: 226
- love: 157
- you: 413

haha oh man i love these survey things :/ i'm such a tard.
also imma cross post this into my journal.



Re: mmm i could listen to music for 10.5 days without hearing the same song. rock_my_world_ December 6 2005, 20:57:47 UTC
i heart you huge

and envy you immensly for having you come before you!!

its my birthday in 5 days. :oD.

we rule.


Re: mmm i could listen to music for 10.5 days without hearing the same song. fetuscollector6 December 7 2005, 05:04:49 UTC
0_o *hearts* happy early birtday.

yeah i love poison the well. i was kinda disappoointed, because the survey didn't reflect any of my fav. music :/
well except for poisong the well, underoath and of course al green.

anyway how are u doing and stuff? and why is my bag clip in my room and not keeping my cheetos fresh and crisp in the kitchen?


xm0rningst4rx December 7 2005, 19:48:49 UTC
How many songs: 966
Sort by song title
First Song: ..But home is nowhere- AFI
Last Song: You give love a bad name- Bon Jovi

Sort by time
Shortest Song: Superchicken - TV Theme
Longest Song: Short Stories- From Autumn to Ashes

Sort by album:
First Album: 8 Mile Soundtrack: Run Rabbit Run- Eminem
Last Album: You've Come a Long way baby : Fatboy Slim

Top Five Most Played Songs:
doesn't work in this program

First song that comes up on Shuffle: Who Knew- Eminem

How many songs come up when you search...
- sex: 0
- death: 13
- love: 39
- you: 110


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