(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 23:15

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1) Could you see abbasucks and emoever together? ahhahahd;alksvdna;er fuck.
2) Thoughts on noise_kisses37? beautiful, amazing, love u to death!
3) Is 5545 dead sexy? last time i saw here
4) Does olive_power have a big secret? yeh
5) Has dukert dyed their hair? their? lol yes.
6) Would dukert go out with 5545? hm. i dont think so.
7) If noise_kisses37 and atomik_kitten were siamese twins, where would they be joined? HA!! annie and timmi pup. lets say...feet.
8) Does fuckboy_lost drink? what! not at all...
9) How would i_am_the_clock conquer the world? baking them stuff!`
10) Have you ever dated katiediehlish? nope
11) Is _lennon_ a college student? university
12) What is x_mac_x's shoe size? ??um...10?
13) What is _lennon_'s favorite movie? !! oh! freddy got fingered.
14) What languages does katiediehlish speak? 1
15) What would fetuscollector6 do differently in your shoes? become a pirate
16) Is dantheman19 an emo? hahaha. YES! no...well..yes.
17) Does bloodyoleander smoke? not a thing.
18) If fuckboy_lost and macheval were spliced together, what would it be like? oh my goodness. what a strange alter ego effect. they'd;ve murdered eachotehr
19) What would _lennon_ give 5545 for his/her birthday? nothin. thats it.
20) Is i_am_the_clock single? i wish! lucky jason.
21) What is katiediehlish's favorite game? anything involving wonderwomen
22) Would 5545 and surreal_satire look good together? im sorry guys...thats a no.
23) Does olive_power travel a lot? nope.
24) What video game does dukert remind you of? doom? i uno....what a question
25) What would you do if abbasucks died? cry. alot.
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