theres something oddly colourful about all of this

May 12, 2006 10:31

if it wasnt for silence, i'd say we were perfect. but then, when we speak, its always the most glorious words i've ever heard. like soft violin music passed back and forth, before falling thru the cracks and crashing horribly below. i fear i've become your slave ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

dantheman19 May 12 2006, 19:58:39 UTC
that trip out west is exactly the type of thing i was planning for this summer. just heading out to no particular place for a few days and then coming back home.

just for kicks! why not?


surreal_satire May 12 2006, 20:07:37 UTC
i love you beyond madly
have you read a million little pieces? i thought of you a fair amount during it, although it's pretty non-applicable to you



massiverection May 12 2006, 23:02:38 UTC
Extremely cool post.


5545 May 13 2006, 02:20:19 UTC
good job on your non-smoking bit...its hard but it'll be all over soon.
I quit beginning of whats months, no cigarettes. hummm, that long?
Time will fly by, its the recovering thats the worst.


anonymous May 17 2006, 20:11:53 UTC
how do you change your layout to be so many funky things?


rock_my_world_ May 18 2006, 01:14:52 UTC
i promise to tell you, but first you must tell me who you are.


anonymous May 18 2006, 14:50:45 UTC
My name is Nellma J.


rock_my_world_ May 18 2006, 20:56:13 UTC
NELLMA!!~! ♥!!

theres a group on LJ called "woahfreelayouts". check it out lovely!


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