as i promised meg, i would post all the pics that her and I took in PE class today. i took like... maybe 2 of the freakin billion pics on here.
meg and coach petik, meg getting a little bit too close
shelley getting her hair cornrowed by marcella
the final product
mister john
mister really cool aaron, very blurry pic
mah homegirls, WHAT DEY DO CUH
only THE coolest guys in PE class, duh!
more wonderful pictures, courteousy of the wonderful MEGHAN ROHRBAUGH
some extremely cool twins, morgan and meghan
more of mah homegirls, u know how we do
kyle, only like, the coolest person ever
this photo would be courteousy of ME! i decided to take a pic of kristi while she was asleep. im so bad =O
kim and caitlin!!!!11111
well duh, that would only be kenny
felipe's kickass tongue ring, compliments of meghan
the extremely cool allison
come on now, that would be the one and only brianne briann**