(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 12:44

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet lastsound? hahaha we were hanson fans!
2.~What would you do if you had never met tarajay? tara amazes and fascinates me, i'd hate to not have that
3.~What do you honestly think of jeremytappero? don't know him well at all, he's a good musician and he smokes too much haha
4.~Would or did aislinnjuliet and icanstay go out? ladies, you tell me ;o)
5.~Have you ever liked jenniferirene? i like her but i don't LIKE like her lol
6.~If reesestar died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? you are beautiful and unique
7.~Would solargrrl and _cadillacblues make a good couple? no. they're both girls and i don't think they'd get along
8.~Describe __notyourstar in 3 words: little brown goat ;o)
9.~Do you think bellezzarubata is hot? duh. i have eyes, she's gorrrrgeous
10.~Would reesestar and chanchanbuns make a lovely couple? not in a red state!
11.~What do you think of when you see icanstay? muuuuusic and damn girl's got good hair
12.~Tell me something humiliating about _cadillacblues: SHE MADE OUT WITH AARON IN THE PHOTO BOOTH!!!!
13.~Do you know any of bellabrit's family members? i've met a lot of them, she's like a sister to me
14.~What's aislinnjuliet's favorite color? i have NO idea!! red? i see you in red.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is 6q? 11, esp when he shaves his facial hair into a perv 'stache mmm
16.~What would you do if flygirlcourt just professed their undying love for you? the running man. yeah, the dance.
17.~What language does aislinnjuliet speak? uhh english? yeah? haha
18.~Who is hard2remember going out with? that military guy, nash. how is that going, by the way?
19.~Is casslolsnort a boy or a girl? a girrrrrl
20.~Would yorkerr and flygirlcourt make a good couple? no way dan's a playa and courtney's got a man
21.~Who do you think livenolies would be great with from this list? this reminds me, i need to add susan. but if there were no susan and nolan lived in tulsa, i would want to hook him up with sarah
22.~When was the last time you talked to bellezzarubata? god it's been awhile, we keep up via LJ but i've known her since i was like 15
23.~What is jenniferirene's favorite band? the effects? i'm not sure
24.~Does solargrrl have any siblings? a younger sister, right?
25.~Would you ever date bellabrit? that'd be like dating myself
26.~Would you ever date __notyourstar? i'm not her type
27.~Is livenolies single? no he has a wonderfully beautiful and fantastic girlfriend
28.~What is aislinnjuliet's last name? shit i don't remember
29.~What is yorkerr's middle name? ?
30~What is jeremytappero's fantasy? okay it said people you've met in real life and i've met him but i'm not like friends with him
31.~Where does casslolsnort live? walgreen's, basically. fucking pharmacies.
32.~Would you make out with lastsound? probably, i get "friendly" with a few drinks
33.~Are tarajay and bellabrit best friends? we all used to be really good friends but have kinda drifted apart over the years :o(
34.~Does __notyourstar like aislinnjuliet? she'd better!
35.~How did you meet yorkerr? haha i was lying on the floor drunk off my ass while jason rubbed my back and dan and darrell came in
36.~Is bellezzarubata older than you? by a couple of months i think
37.~Is chanchanbuns the sexiest person alive? if she's not, then she's pretty damn close
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