Title: Young Doctor Comes to Town Causing a Disturbance (1/2)
rockerblondeRating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,100
valenti1965Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext.
Summary: A young doctor finds love, but it has consequences for several people...
If you would have told Noah two years ago that he would be in a relationship with a doctor, he would've said you were mad. )
Comments 15
I don't know where to start - so many fabulous things.
Poor Noah - to find out that Reid was married only after he's well and truly in love with him.
Reid - well...he's not exactly blameless, but you can't fault him for his taste.
Jerry - least said, soonest forgotten.
Mandy - what a darlin'
I'm just hoping that Noah's new job, along with the honesty they're now sharing, brings them closer.
And I almost forgot....DAMN HOT!!!!
I adore the pet name "precious" -- and pet names in general. But precious is the last pet name I would expect applied to Noah and here it totally works, I think because it comes from Reid. I have to think I wouldn't buy it as a pet name from Luke, though I struggle to articulate exactly why.
I struggle a little that Noah would allow the affair to continue, and then I think about what it's like to be in love and I think I'm forced to concede that I'm not as moral as I'd like to think... if I was in love I can't be sure that such a thing would stop me, even if I'd like to think it would. I wish we could see more of Noah's internal struggle with that, and yet the simple way you show us Reid begging forgiveness and pleading that he loves Noah is so revealing.
glad you liked the pet name i am with you it would be Luke being given a name like that and Noah getting a more butcher pet name lol
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