I may have no friends but I'm bored so....
Ok so the Soundeffects part was a lie, but I had a double drama lesson today which was VERY overdramatic.
Our drama play is unbelivebly unbelevably unbeleavbly very complicated. I don't even know half the plot, but that only makes it more amusing. It's actually a really serious plot but at one point it was going to be crucial that me and Dudley's character were an item. If you knew Dudley you'd understand just how funny this was...thankfully that idea fell through, because there is no way I could've acted through THAT with a straight face.
I don't know. Some complicated stuff going down at the moment, though I will not divulge it! I'm wicked tired though. Still, I don't have to do PE tomorrow. Going home beforehand. Muwaha. Boosh, anyone?
I don't have a lot else to say so...go outside and fly a kite, or something.