really long rambling on tv & films

Dec 23, 2006 16:25

I watched the rest of Torchwood. It was... all right. I really, really liked it until the end and then. Hmm. Not so much.

The John and Jack bit was brilliant, the Gwen/Rhys was all OMG (and next week! Double-OMG!!) and Diane's exit was great -- but emotional Owen just didn't work for me and I wanted Emma to stay. I think the Owen/Diane was supposed to redeem Owen, because look! He's not using pheromones and he cries! but, yeah, it didn't work for me. That's probably because I want him to stay the sort-of-bad-guy, the morally ambiguous man who isn't very nice at all. Ah, well, I suppose at least Jack will keep his bad side? I hope? D:

I'm glad the Gwen/Owen storyline is going to end soon (at least, I think it is. Iunno.). I'm not very good with ships that canon deals with, like Gwen/Owen, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley or Jack/Elizabeth. I'm pretty happy whatever way canon decides to go, and I don't really see why it's worth getting caught up in shipwars. I'd much rather ship Gwen/Tosh and Owen/Jack, Harry/Ron and Ginny/Draco, Jack/Pearl and Elizabeth/James. Canon at least doesn't interfere too much.

The exception that proves the rule is the Caroline thing in Green Wing, but it's not really an exception because I desperately want her to get with both of them. ;___;

Also, I saw The Holiday yesterday. It was just what I needed: something light, cute and seasonal. It's not anything terribly deep or profound or groundbreaking, and there are some bits that make you go ARGHSTOPITSTOPITNOW, but it was well made, well acted, well written and an enjoyable film overall.

Alsoalso, I saw Eragon. It's children's fantasy, adapted from the book of the same title by Christopher Paolini. It is also the most unintentionally homoerotic film ever made in the history of the world EVER. I lol'd, so hard. I didn't see all of it -- just the first twenty minutes or so and the last half an hour -- because the middle bit bores me silly, but still. I lol'd, so, so, SO hard. I feel quite bad for admitting this, but... it had promise. There were maybe two or three bits that could have been really quite good, except for the dreck that surrounded it. :( But the dreck was funny, so that was OKAY.

Okay, Jeremy Irons. WTF. I want to like him. I really, really do. He was Scar, he stood up and did the serious bit at the Amnesty Ball. But he was also in Dungeons and Dragons, and Brom in Eragon. It's just so hard to respect him. ;_;

But. In a fight with Eragon, Irons did have to say the line: "This isn't about us, Eragon!" It's ME, not YOU. My mind went baaaaaaaad places. And OMG. Roran. Eragon. The Roran/Eragon wrestle/fight, complete with phallic swords. Roran/Eragon is very nearly my OTP for Inheritance, except for the fact that the real OTP is Murtagh/Eragon.

...I swear I'm not usually into incest. ;___; Butbutbut the subtext, it is too strong!

Sloane was well good though! He was played by the guy in Pirates of the Caribbean 2, the fat bald guy who argues about the dress and in the Blooper Reel goes, "We've all felt her... no, we haven't." ♥

What really bugged me though, was the accents of actors. Nobody had the same kind of accent! I realise it's a fantasy land, but really, is it so hard to try and get ten people FROM THE SAME VILLAGE sounding roughly SIMILAR? Or how about a father and his daughter? Oh, and Ed Speelers. Oh, god, he sounds lovely from the interviews I've read, but lordy. What a plummy voice. Could he make it any more obvious he's a public school boy? =_= As they KEPT saying, Eragon's but a simple farm boy... who speaks the Queen's English, no joke. Why didn't they get a blue-eyed, blond-haired actor from a state school in Wiltshire??

These rants makes no sense, so I will stop it here. :D :D :D
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