the "Addicted To" Blog Crew~

Nov 14, 2006 18:55

i adopted this blog crew from zephia . i haven't changed her rules much, so be sure to follow em. ^^

Updated on: 2008 Jun 7

because it's becoming ridiculous with the taken claims that are just being reworded. this entry will stay for the sake of being a blog crew, but claims will no longer be accepted.

This is the Addicted To blog crew :) You may choose a thing that's one word to be "addicted to". It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's one word it's ok. Two words put together are allowed (such as "alicenine"). Initials are also allowed ("PSC"). What is not allowed is a super long phrase ("piratesofthecaribbean"). You may not choose one that has already been taken so be sure to check first. Plural forms of claims are counted the same as singular.

by the way, i noticed i had allowed a few 3 word claims put together as one to be added. this was silly and my fault, but i will no longer allow this so don't try it.

again, it needs to be ONE WORD. however if i reject your claim because it is not one word, you are allowed to select a different claim as long as it is one word.

if your journal is deleted, your claim will be removed.

/cm/ - teapoit
4chan - devicing
A.B.C. - jungryog
Adam - unworthy__2u
Aiba - mz3293
AkanishiJin - xstewpigx
Akgito - niwakaame
AliceNine - baka_bunnies
Alphonse - sayaka_chan
AnCafe - antic_tsuki
Anime - _yuuzora
Art - modernpirates
Asians - heygingersnap
Beatles - thisisarisa
bigbang - yellowbbang
Bishounen - zekkai
Bleach - guan
bleach.het - windxalchemist
BoA - kurisutaru_san
Books - get_in_get_out
Bou - lifesboulevard
boylove - lemres
BtVS - buffette
Buffy - ritinha
Buttsecks - mikan_tsuki
caramelldansen - candy_bride
CGing - kaorien
Changmin - changminiminmin
Claiming - dragonspeaker
CLAMP - nikosakura
Cookies - cutesiness
Dancing - sashimi
Dark - marlyg
Daydreaming - imitationgold
DBSK - x_tsurara_x
D.Gray-man - kalle
Donghae - sers_sers
Drawing - sushiwitch
Duncan - poutyshorty
Edward - panyachan
ElfenLied - gunner_rikku
EunTeuk - blondesugar
Evangelion - sallow_carrot
Fahrenheit - xtainted_soul
fandom - ria_chan
Fire - digitized_flame
Firefly - keladryie
fluff&mush - pulanglaso
frosting - thetwisterfairy
FMA - megamialchemist
Food - hiddendrms
G-Dragon - ohenka
G-RiTOP - preeseelah
Gaara - legomyelfboy
Gackt - kakusareta
Gazette - flightradio
genderswitch - __synthetique
glasses!Jin - lizzfan
Goseki - ninomy
GouhouDrug - ashne
Grindhouse - ab0utfalling
Guro - luciferxyahweh
Hankyung - heythere_hannah
hayley - deardbsk
Heechul - rrrrrai
Hello!Project - komatsuu
Hero - xoxobgrl717
hide - obsessedchild
Hinata - shadow_mime
Hiroto - electricxbeat
Hitsugaya - twilight_kitty
Horny!Akatsuki - croisee
hugs - sakuresu
HYDE - fantomu
hyukjae - nujiem
IchiRuki - chained_angel13
Inoo - himitsu922
Internet - zephia
J-Pop - hyorin
J-Rock - buruma
Jaejoong - xxkasumixx
jaesu - sisowath
jaychou - evoquant
JE - iserial
JensenAckles - mad_about_dan
JimmyMackey - tomoyokurogane
Jonghun - xxkrissykoo
Junno - kyuutakuma
junsu - junjae
KamenashiKazuya - goldkaji21
KangIn - itdg
KangTeuk - x_princevaliant
Kanjani8 - mizukipi
Kanon - korori
Karyu - catfyre
KAT-TUN - taguchon
Kazurin - angelshimmering
Kdramas - indicted
Kei - ichimaru_kenren
KenKen - sakube_yamu
KENN - yuzurenai
KHR - jojobeans_kh01
KiHae - sugarwarrior
Korea - hosuk
Koyama - chutcha
Kra - missshizuka
Kururu - shikon_hime
Kusano - kusanotti
Kyuhyun - peach_heart
L - millepetit
Laruku - yume_wo_egaku
laughter - xvisqueux
Leeteuk - ushiosan
Life - very_angry_o_o
LiveJournal - strawberrychan
Loveless - vizioso
Mana - melinen
Manga - lifeless_dreams
manSex - heart_of_manga
Mao - yumi382
MatsuJun - lily_darke4
Matt♥ - midnightdream__
Maya - nijii
Me - songstar
MIKARU - nono23q
MinGyu - h_eechul
Miroku - kirarintan
Miyavi - jung_min
Music - dustbunniee
Naruto - mint
neilgaiman - parfait_brat
Neji - shizuyuki
NejiTen - titan_girl
NewS - nishikido_love
Ninomiya - aozora86
Nintendo - neonlicht
Nishikido - crazy_otaku911
nodame - bluegurl123 - zodiacal
NwP - kesenaixtsumi
ocean - fireflyfailure
OguriShun - ichigomix
Okura - steffiechu
Omi - angel_of_summer
OrgXIII - nyazers
Ouran - sol3il
Overrides - papered
Parfaits - moroboshist
Penguins - littleliarx3
Performing - lazareth_
PhotoShop - yoh_kun
Pierrot - nobodylovesu
Pineapples - pineapple_samba
Pink - flowergirl_ino
PitaTen - wannabe_tenshi
Plushies - surrel
Pokemon - inuyasha32
politics - plaids
purikura - madblessyou
Reading - dogdemoninuyash
Reita - faith_nyaa
Rella - 5_09am
Renji - akiou
Reno - eatingsoup101
Reon - xxaibaxl0v3xx
Roy!Mustang - lspher
Royai - kusagi
Ruki - niya_silhouette
RyoShige - xmare_imbrium
S+S - kyoy
Saga - loveholic18
SailorV - hitrisha
SakuLi - __let_go__
Sakura - dragonspirit888
Sakurai - iruy
SakuSho - se_jinblue
Sanji - bamf_girl
Sasuke - xxback2lifexx
SasuSaku - sweet_chii
Serene - mourningmonday
seungri - tooriginal
Shigeaki - pinkosa
SHINee - onew
Shinhwa - _se7enteen
Shipping - fallnmorninstar
Shokura - nis_chan
Shoon - _____just_me
Shopping - sukihime
shota - viral_shuu
Shotacon - mknsen08
shounen-ai - hikaru__sama
Slash - pantsu_kudasai
Sleeping - nezumi_00
slut!Hae - lavalier
slut!Hankyung - hypothesi
Smut - jaxinthebox
SNSD - algodondulce
Sonadow - insanepurin
Sontails - djtifaheart
Starbucks - sandy_rain
Stars - jenipot06
strawberries - missygayyy
Suju - zngnn
Sungmin - pieces
SuperJunior - hachiiko
SuperJuniorKRY - furutsu
SuperJuniorT - liipssuu
Supernatural - deanscookie
Swimming - jushira
Syaoran - baggsofdoom
SyaoSaku - syaoxsaku_fan
Tablo - arteries
tacchon - a_sstarhh
Taisuke - yukohime
Takeru - drinkmychem1cal
Takuya - kira_rika
tea - robinjirasaur
TegoMasu - randomsheets
Tegoshi - kyutei
Telephone - orthographist
Television - qing_mei
Temari - shinyanohime
Tenimyu - ninuki
Tenipuri - kotosei
TetsuxHyde - naika_90
TheDoctor - green_wing
traps - marvel_esque
TRC - chitose_atsuko
TTGL - inkstain
T.V. - magicapple
Twilight - mtsmile
UedaTatsuya - fujaya
Ulzzangs - schrei_vox
vampires - nebelpfade
w-inds. - x_amadare
Wicked - hyoni
Winchesters - lanakins
Windstruck - shwinlewin
Writing - mixture
Ya-Ya-yah - fahlyu
Yabu - sportznutt7
YamaChiJima - nijiiro_namida
YamadaRyosuke - lovetantei
Yamapi - 5254
Yunho - geummi
YunJae - busha69
Yuri - kaiserin_san

here's the code [those who had the original one, feel free to keep that one; i'm just no good at tables XD;;] & just change 'hide' to whatever it is you're addicted to~ ^^

Addicted to: hide

Addicted to: hide

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