Title: Obstacles of Love
Series: Rockman X
Pairing: X/Zero X/Palette, Zero/Layer
Rated: 13+
Content: Shounen ai, crude language
Summary: Numerous obstacles seem to keep the two best friends X and Zero from becoming more. Will they end up together?
Disclaimer: All characters property of Capcom.
Obstacles of Love
By: Emily (Rockgirl_X)
Chapter 1
“I QUIT!!!”
The statement echoed so loudly that literally everyone could hear it through out Maverick Hunter Base. Faces either turned to see what was going on or looked in the opposite direction to run away from the situation. Something was going down that most of the Hunter standbys did not want to become a part of!
In the middle of the hallway stood a very angry X, with his face so red that it easily clashed with the blue armour he was wearing. His emerald eyes gleaming with rage at his target of aggression.
“FINE, see if I care! That’s what you’re good at: Bitching, over thinking, and leaving!!” A blonde reploid with pink armour retaliated. “I’m sick of your crap!”
“And I am fed up of tolerating yours! Fucking grow up Alia!”
X folded his arms and stood in a defiant stature as Alia threw her hands in the air with frustration. X was about to tell her off again when he heard a door open behind him.
“What is this I hear about you quitting X?!”
He turned around to see a very calm, yet very flustered Signas.
“I would have preferred you come to me privately instead of shouting it in the hallway, but now that I have your attention please accompany me to my office, so we can discuss this.” Signas discretely bit his lip, hoping that he could convince X to stay. He knew that X along with Zero and Axl were the best Hunters at their disposal. Without them Maverick Hunter would be finished.
Alia turned and walked away as X put his attention to Signas. X covered his mouth and stared down at the floor, this time his face flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh… no… commander Signas I didn’t mean… I wasn’t considering leaving Maverick Hunter.”
“Then what was all the commotion about??” Signas asked in relief that his panic was for nothing.
“Umm… n-nothing more then relationship troubles sir!” X explained.
Signas locked eyes with X. “Hmm… well then please be advised that yelling outside of my office and inside the hallway is not the place to do it!”
“Yes sir.” X complied with a salute. “It won’t happen again commander.”
Signas headed back into his office and shut the door. X made his way to his room in the barracks. He refused to make eye contact with anyone while walking at a quick pace. He wasn’t much in the mood for striking up conversation.
X punched the security code and entered his room. He shuffled towards his bed and collapsed with a firm belly-flop onto his mattress. He let out a long sigh as he tried to relax. He took in the silence as he reviewed what had just happened in his mind. Sure him and Alia had had their fights before, but he couldn’t help feeling like this was the end for them. They had been trying to make it work for months, but nothing was working. They just didn’t get along with each other as a couple after the romantic infatuation stage wore off. They could only take small doses of each other as friends it seemed.
X rolled over onto his side. And then he managed to get a lecture from Signas for yelling too loudly in the hallway. Not a good day so far he though to himself.
Suddenly he heard a loud banging sound at his door. At first he ignored it. As it persisted he finally gave in, slumped off the bed, and opened the door.
“Hello my bastard friend!” A deep voice greeted him.
X looked up to see a tall red reploid with long blonde hair. His arms out stretched at both sides of the door leaning in to Xs face. He gave X a wink and smirked.
“Zero, what do you want?” X asked in an exasperated tone.
“I just returned from Hunting. I entered the back door of H.Q. seeing as it was the closest door to the motor-bike shed, and I ran into Alia who looked pissed, so I asked her what was wrong and she said ask your bastard friend. I figured that meant you and here I am!”
“Ok.” X stared blankly.
“Oh and I wanted to see you, whatever…” Zero added nonchalantly. “So tell me what happened between you two this time.”
“Nothing to tell really, we started fighting over small things as usual which blew over into bigger things until we were both yelling at each other. Worst thing is it was in the hallway outside of the commanders office and I got a talking to about that!”
“Hah!” Zero chuckled. “Don’t worry about Signas. About Alia, are you going to talk to her later?”
“No, I think we’re finished for good this time.”
“Just as well, women are crazy!”
X couldn’t help but smile at that remark.
“Hey, instead of sitting here moping, why not come to the bar with me? Getting drunk is much more productive than moping all night!” Zero said while flipping his hair back.
“Sure.” X nodded. “Give me a few minutes to get ready.”
“Hey man can I use your shower? It’ll be faster for me to get ready in your room.”
20 minutes later X and Zero were showered, dressed, and ready to go to the bar. It was only a convenient 10 minute walk from H.Q. which meant that the bar thrived on the Hunters business.
It was Retro night at the club meaning that 80’s, 90’s, and early Millennium music were the theme of the night!
“Two pitchers please!” Zero asked the bartender as the two reploids sat down on the bar stools.
X was already smiling and getting into the music as he waited for his beer. He wasn’t thinking about Alia at all, in fact he felt happy being single again. It meant he could play or survey the field again.
X scanned the room while drinking his beer. Zero seemed to be doing the same beside him, although from the corner of his eye he could swear that Zero was staring at him, possibly checking him out. X just ignored it and continued enjoying himself.
Zero poured himself a beer from the pitcher and scanned the room. He noticed X was doing the same. Zero clutched his glass. He wanted tonight to be special, not the typical guys’ night out. Zero had loved X for years, but he was too scared to say anything. He couldn’t even tell X how much his friendship meant to him let alone his romantic feelings towards him. Plus X had had more experience with relationships. Mostly all long term hetero relationships: Marty, Alia, Marino, Cinnamon, with the exception of flings and repeat relationships. The only relationship Zero had ever had was with Iris before she died and even then his love for Iris was not as strong as his love for X. He felt caught between a rock and a hard place. How to create the right moment to tell X? How to build up the courage to follow through with telling X? How to find out if X was interested in him let alone bisexual or not? These were the questions that formed his dilemma.
“Zero, look over there!”
“Huh?” Zero murmured coming out of deep thought.
“Those two girls over there, I think I know them… Right! They were our navigators during the Jakob crisis!”
“Oh yeah, Layer and Palette right? Yeah, They’re still relatively new to our Base. We don’t know them really. Why don’t we go talk to them?”
“Whoa! I-I didn’t say that!”
“Why not? Attack a target head on! See? Training does apply in real life situations!”
“I… don’t know…” X said shyly.
“Come on! You’ve had so many relationships this should be easy!” Zero said jokingly.
“Zero, those, Err people asked me out!”
“People? You mean girls right?”
“Well… ok, you know those flings I told you about, but never let you meet in person because I said they weren’t serious so it didn’t matter?”
“Umm… the real reason I didn’t let you meet them was because they were… um… men.”
Zero nearly fell off his chair. X thought from disbelief. Zero knew it was from a mixture of shock and relief at the same time!
“Ok. Why are you telling me this now?” He held his breath in hopes that his fantasies of X and him together would finally come true.
“There is something I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time now, but I don’t know how to say it… being here with you tonight, when both of us are available and de-stressed. It could be fate…” X paused and turned to his left.
“Hi X!” A blonde haired girl, with light blue eyes, pale skin, and a high pitched voice sang out.
“Palette, Hello!” X smiled back. “How are you?”
“I’m good thanks. Hey, I was wondering if you aren’t too busy could I steal you for a minute?” Palette blushed lightly, afraid that she had actually interrupted something.
X looked at Zero, who looked back at X with a confused look on his face.
“Sure thing palette, lead the way!” X climbed off the stool, beer in hand. Palette led him to a secluded corner of the club far from where both of them were sitting. Palette blushed deeper than before now hiding her normally pale complexion.
“Umm… ok… I’ll just come right out and ask. X I think you’re cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me.”
X looked at her in surprise, but his face soon changed into a smile. He felt that Palette was cute as well, but never really thought of asking her out on a date. He never thought he would have the option.
“I would love to.”
“Yay!” Palette beamed with happiness.
“Oh! One more thing X. Do you know if Zero is interested in anyone?”
“I don’t know why?”
“Layer is too shy to ask him out, so maybe… you could give him a little nudge to make the first move?”
“I-I can try.”
“Thank you X. You’re the best! So when should we go on our date?”
“I am free tomorrow night, say 7 o’clock? Formal dress? I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Great! See you then!” Palette beamed as she walked back to her table with Layer with a skip in her step! X thought her happy go lucky attitude was contagious because he was also beaming heading back to his table with Zero.
“What did she want?” Zero asked curiously.
“She asked me out on a date!” X smiled.
“Oh.” Zero smiled. He was an expert at putting up a fake smile when he heard that X had a date.
“Apparently Layer has a crush on you, but is too shy to ask you out on a date! Why not give it a shot? It wouldn’t hurt. That’s how I’m looking at this date.”
“Sure why not?”
“Great! Let’s go spend time with them.”
“Alright” Zero agreed. “Wait, X what was it you were trying to say earlier?”
“Oh, it wasn’t important never mind.”
Zero asked Layer out on a date nearing the end of the night. Ironically the date was on the same night at the same time as X and Palettes date.
The girls decided to meet X and Zero outside of Xs room at 7 o’clock the next night.
All four of them were nervous about the outcomes, however Zero was the most nervous out of all of them while hoping for a different outcome.
Chapter 2
“Zero hurry up, I have to get ready too you know!!”
“For fuck sakes X wait a few more minutes!!”
X played with his hair in the mirror while waiting for Zero to finish combing his hair in the bathroom. A long ordeal indeed he thought as he eyed his slim yet muscular figure.
“*Sigh* everything I own makes me look fat!” X mumbled to himself “I need to lose some weight.”
He stared at himself in the mirror again, this time mustering a smile as he thought about how Zero would respond to his self-criticism. Probably the way he always does when I put myself down he thought, but just incase…
“Hey Zero!”
“I’m almost done I swear!”
“No… Damn I’m so fucking fat and everything shows it! Don’t you think so?”
“You’re full of shit X!”
X laughed. Zero always knew what to say to make him feel better. He had that way about him; that mysterious charm.
X was the only one at H.Q. who could decode Zeros hard, quiet exterior. He always knew what Zero was feeling even though he never showed it. He had a way of expressing his emotions without mere words or actions. Thinking of him in that way made X realize that Zero was one of the most emotional people he knew!
Maybe that’s why they were such best friends. They complimented each others flaws. Zero being the rock when X fell victim to his emotions, and X being Zeros emotional interpreter when everyone else didn’t understand him. It was thoughts like that, that made X daydream about what it would be like to be with Zero: to hold his hand, kiss his lips, and feel his body, to be with him physically as well as mentally and spiritually. He wanted that more than anything.
There was only one problem.
X didn’t like the thought of being considered gay. He wasn’t homophobic and he had plenty of friends with varying sexualities, but the thought of him being labeled as gay both by society and his friends made him feel insecure. He was very uncomfortable being seen as an outcast by being in an intimate relationship with another man. That is why he kept his previous same-sex relationships a secret and left as soon as it was starting to become either too lengthy or serious no matter how he felt.
He knew he was bisexual because of his past relationships with girls, and he was happy with them, but none of them compared to Zero. Zero had his heart, but he didn’t know if he had Zeros. That was the one thing he could not read from his friend. Either way X had numbed himself into contentment with just being Zeros friend if nothing were to ever happen. He knew when to count his blessings and he was glad to have Zero in his life at all.
Regardless of his feelings X knew that he had to overcome his fear of being considered gay first in order to express his true emotions toward Zero. He had too or else his friend would become swept up in his conflict and X did not want to burden him with his sexual insecurities.
“What was I thinking??!” X muttered through gritted teeth as he clenched his right fist. “Almost telling him at the bar! Stupid!” He whispered silently scolding himself.
Suddenly X jumped to a loud slam of the bathroom door. Zero sauntered out with a big smirk on his face.
“There you go princess!”
X and Zero stood outside of the bedroom both dressed to the nines. X wore a black suit with a white dress-shirt and Zero wore beige pants with a blue dress-shirt. Both men looked stunning while waiting expectantly for their dates to arrive.
Not long after X and Zero started to wait did Palette and Layer come walking down the hallway. Palette had on a long sleeveless black dress with a slit in the leg along with black high-heels. Her curly waved hair flowed down past her shoulders highlighting her diamond necklace and matching earrings. Her pale blue eyes looked cheerfully at X as she walked towards him.
Layer was more of a conservative dresser. She wore a long, sparkly, dark green dress with a silver and pink broach. Her shoes were similar to Palettes and her long purple hair was held up by golden rose shaped clips in a messy ponytail. This style accentuated her dangling earrings and simple chain necklace around her neck. Layers bangs covered her eyes, but her smile gave it away to Zero that she was very nervous.
“Good evening gentlemen!” Palette smiled, her eyes glancing teasingly at Layer.
“H-hello Zero…” Layer said shyly.
“Hello Palette!” X smiled holding out his arm. “Shall we get going now?”
“Why yes we shall.” Palette blushed as she took his Xs arm. He led her outside to his car and before Zero knew it they were gone…
Palette was impressed when she spotted Xs car parked outside. It was a dark green standard car with grey seats. She was no expert on cars, but from what she could tell it was pretty modern. She was curious about the features it carried, but refrained from asking.
X opened the car door and let Palette settle in. When X was in the drivers’ seat he started his car readily.
“Ready to go?” X smiled.
“Ready!” Palette giggled as they drove out of Maverick Hunter Base.
“So, where are we going?”
“Enker Hall on Break Street.”
“I hear that’s a nice place!”
“It seems to be. Our reservations are for 7:30pm.”
An awkward silence began to fill the car. It lasted roughly 10 minutes, but it wasn’t long until Palette broke it.
“I like your car X”
“Thank you.”
“Did you know that owning a green car symbolizes trustworthiness, tradition, and balance in life? Apparently it says a lot about the drivers character”
“No I didn’t. Where did you hear that?”
“I read it somewhere. A book called Sensational Colour I think.”
“Yeah, I enjoy reading about the deep meanings of things. Books around: philosophy, spirituality, sociology, dream interpretations and name definitions, history, anything complex really, but my favourite reads would have to be mystery novels. Ooooh! I love a good mystery!”
“So do I, maybe I could show you my book collection sometime. I might have something you like.”
“That would be great! Gee, Thanks!”
“We’re here and right on time!” X tapped his watch, parked, and exited the car. He helped Palette out of the car and they entered Enker Hall.
Inside was a large building, brightly lit with incredibly tall ceilings. A man in a grey suit came to greet them at the door and escorted them to their seats. The table was private and mostly secluded from the others. X was relieved that him and Palette could have some alone time with little interruption. After the food and wine were ordered they continued there conversation.
“What movies do you like Palette?”
“Umm… mystery and comedy, but I do enjoy a little romance once and awhile!” she giggled “What about you?”
“I like comedies and mysteries and some horror and suspense too.”
“Neato!” Palette replied while chewing her food “What about music? I love pop and dance! I love electro beats and fast paced dancing! Whee!!”
“It depends on the emotion really. I enjoy hard rock and alternative music the most, but dance is also fun to listen too.” X stated between eating and playing with his food. “But tell me something… umm w-what made you approach me at the bar last night? I-I’m just curious. Uh, I mean… I had been t-thinking about you a lot and it seemed funny that soon after you would come up to me and ask me out on a date. Well… not funny… umm… uh… oh man!” X blushed.
“Well…” Palette giggled and blushed “I don’t really know… I just saw you and Zero sitting there and… umm, I thought why not? I had no idea you had romantic thoughts about me… I’m glad you do because I can’t stop thinking about you… I-I mean… I think you’re cute, I mean! I-I I really like you… I’ll shut up now!” Palette pushed her plate aside.
X smiled his face even more red then before. Clearly the moment had become awkward. Before either one of them could speak the server came to collect their food and bring them the bill. X Thanked the server for a lovely meal and paid the bill promptly.
“Umm, Palette?”
“Yes X?”
X took Palettes hand in his and held it gently “I was wondering if, maybe… you would like to take a walk with me around the grounds here. It’s said to be beautiful this time of night.”
“Ok, let’s go.” Palette accepted with a bright smile.
They exited the front door of the Hall and started walking along the side of the building on a cement pathway towards the back. As they were walking they could see all the twinkling lights from the cars, and street lamps in the distance. As they walked X shyly took Palettes hand in his. Palette reciprocated the gesture immediately giving his hand a little squeeze of approval.
When the two reploids reached the back of the restaurant the sight was certainly something to behold. Since Enker Hall was a large property there was plenty of room for decorative extras. They faced a large fountain surrounded with lights and benches along the outside of it. Beyond the fountain was a large grassy field overlooking a small part of the city, nonetheless the view was spectacular.
“Wow!” Palette exclaimed nearly breathless “This is amazing!”
“Yeah…” X replied in agreement.
X faced palette and wrapped his arms around her. He leaned in slowly until their noses were touching, both eyes locked on one another, until their lips came together in a heart-melting kiss.
Neither one of them spoke for the rest of the night as they let their bodies do the talking under the stars…
Making love until sunrise…
The next morning X lay next to Palette, her arms embracing him as she slept. He sighed squinting at the orange sunrise. He was happy the date went well and that he could make Palette happy, but something deep inside him still felt incomplete. Like there was a void that only a certain someone could fill. He knew who that someone was. Zero.
As X closed his eyes a guilty feeling swept over him as he realized that, despite the fun he had on his date, all he could think about was Zero…