Was tryin' to achieve a good coloring for SPN dark caps (which are known to be a big pain in the a#@ for us) and I came up with this one, which I really like.
Hope you like it too ^^
It involves levels and selective colors so I'm afraid it's not translatable.
Program: Photoshop CS2
This is my base, from Devil's TRap.
thanx to
sasskitten and her porn-all-over JDM picspam XD
Crop it 100x100
Duplicate the base 3 times and set them to screen 100%. If your base is not so dark you can make 2 screen layers instead of 3 and play with the opacities ;)
Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color
Reds: -100,0,+100,0
Yellows: 0, -40, -100, +51
Neutrals: +6, 0, -10, 0
set the opacity layer to 54%
Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Hue/Saturation
Master: Saturation: +17
Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color
Reds: -97,+21, +63, 0
Yellows: -85, +24, +25,0
Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Levels
Input levels: 105 - 1,00-255
If it's too dark you can lower the first Input level (the 105 one)
Now we need to sharp a bit. Duplicate the base and let it above the base.
Filter >> Sharp >> Smart sharpen
Amount: 10%
Radius: 26 pixels
Remove: Lens Blur
More accurate is thicked
I set the layer at 55%
then you can add brushes, textures, whatever you feel to.
I added a texture by
justfreefallin If you try it, show me what you got ;)