This was requested by
caaamwhore ; of course I didn't have the psd but I think the result is similar enough ;)
okay, so we're going from:
Includes curves and selective coloring so not translatable I think; made in PS CS2.
Okay, sadly I didn't have the original PSD so there probably are slight differences, but I think it's close enough to the original one (first version on the left, the one I came up with on the right):
First thing of all,
this is our base cap, by
phoenixothon, linked because it's large so it's for everyone's sake ;). Now that we have Dan's very pretty face, the first thing is to prepare the base. So I pasted the picture on my 100x100 white canvas, not caring (for now) about that uugly white space above his head, like this:
Eeeew. Ugly. Now, before doing anything, getting rid of the white space would be the best option ;) so I took the clone stamp and copied that blue sky behind his head on the blank space; of course if you have other ways to do it feel free, as long as the result is like this:
Now, for the coloring, I used the same I explained in
this tutorial, so for now I'll only say the steps here and for actual better explanations I'll send you there ;)
a) Do a Curves adjustment layer with the following settings:
normal, 100%, RGB, one point only, Input 36 and Output 76
b) Duplicate said Curves layer and put it on Color Burn, 100%;
c) Do a Selective Color adjustment layer with the following settings:
Reds: -55, 0, 58, 12
Yellows: -25, 0, -33, 13
Cyans: 100, 0, 0, 100
Whites: 0, 0, 0, -23
Neutrals: 8, 0, -7, 9
Blacks: 0, 0, 0, 11
Now, texture time! Take this one (it was by
mizzybox but I kind of changed it around, I don't even think it was the one I used the first time but I can't remember it for the life of me ;) ):
Put it above our pic, on linear burn 100%. Result:
Definitely a bit too blue, right? So, to fix it, create a new Color Balance layer with the following settings:
Midtones: 9, 8, -39
Which brings us to:
At this point, I wanted to make it a bit more contrasted and to underline the reds and the yellows; so, do a new Selective Color layer with the following settings:
Reds: -18, 0, 0, 0
Yellows: 0, 0, 10, 0
Greens: 87, 0, 0, 0
Cyans: 86, 0, 0, 0
Blue: 73, 0, 0, 0
Whites: 0, 0, 0, -51
Et voilà, done! The original one was a bit more washed out, I guess you could do something similar by lowering the saturation with a hue/saturation layer I think, it didn't come to me when I finished this one ;)
Hope it was useful! And remember to tweak the settings if it doesn't work on your picture and all that jazz ;)