The Sixam legacy

Feb 03, 2010 20:22

Here I am(rocking_kitty on LJ and Sizza on other sims communities), trying to make another legacy. The last one, in short, failed because I fail. That is, I thought the hood was corrupt and got rid of it, only to find out that it was a hack conflict. I are dumb.
But I made another legacy, another maxis sims legacy, and instead of manually copy the sims and create them in new hoods with the same personality and whatnot(seriously, what possessed me to go that rout???), I simply removed the unwanted family ties and relationship they had(marriage/engagement/family and love) and aged all babies(I'm not sure if there were any), toddlers and children into teens. But the pregnant women got left alone :P
So, this will be an isbi, where I only use maxis sims from a überhood. No uglacy this time, one uglacy at a time is enough for me (I have a Vera Marina uglacy on the side. Yes, a Vera Marina uglacy).
But since I'm weird and love challenging stuff(to the extend that they are fun), I'm going to use other methods of picking spouses than "Oh, I like that sim and the sims's like each other". Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Enough ramble! Time for the warnings and stuff! Beware of badly cropped pictures, "townie" spam and nudity.
I suppose I should also mention that this gen. spouse will be riskacy style(but they have to have more than -bolt and have compatible gender preference) and the houses will be maxis-made houses

This is the almighty founder, Lemon Sixam. She is a pixeltrade sim by boolropea.
She lives in the small shack at the outskirt of Pleasantview.

A charming stats picture, because otherwise, I'd forget them.

That must hurt (I think Lemon should've picked a better place to jump rope too)

She got her dream career track, but since when does the paperboy say goodbye?
I guess he's just very friendly(and grateful that me will not be a part of this legacy).

Lemon got a visitor!

Betty Goldstein, an elder from Riverblossom Hill, who is straight so she won't do :/

Lemon:"You totally should get some tribal facepaint!"
I don't think you can lure Betty into the ways of the tribe.


What? I thought you were straight! *Checks ACR* She is. The hell?

The welcome wagon arrives and Cynthia is also incompatible

Tasteless townie is tasteless and lulzy.

O.O Someone's picking on Viddie?

The epic sneer contest of 2010.

I hate the fact that Betty is straight, she is obviously mean and I love mean sims :P
Also, fight!

Why I didn't take a picture of the winner, I don't know, but kudos to Betty for preventing another one (or a murder)

Oh, Betty....

No mere dog can scare Lemon, yo!

I'm not sure what to make of this expression, also I have no idea why I took this picture.

Thanks Wanda but Lemon still has to meet her spouse, so no can do.

The guest take up kicky-bagging in the spacious shack...

While Lemon takes a sponge bath, because she has no shower.

And then she joins the rousing game of kicky-bag

While Cynthia eats a healthy sandwich. Gotta have your greens!

Lemon needed money bad, so I had her dig up the yard in hopes of finding rocks, bones and other assorted, sell-able stuff.

And she does this! I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"So Betty, my life is sooooooooooo awesome! I was once married with a kid, and suddenly I wasn't married anymore OR had any kid. I bet it never happened to you. Because, you know, you never got hitched"

Aw, c'mon, you just took a "bath".

Why sloppy founders are the best.

Uuuh, LOOK, A PROFILE PICTURE. Moving on....

Next day, Lemon shocks me by discovering that she did indeed have a shower. Hell if I knew.

Digging in the dirt proved more successful this time. If you don't deem finding 3 different maps in a row a success.

Her lovely shack.

Hi Buck. Looking gay as usual (Buck really does look like a homosexual to me, dunno why).

*Sigh* I do not need you!

Not gay (thankfully :P).

Sadly neither is Jodie. And what's up with this? I set ACR on 50% straight and 25% gay, 25% bi.

Honestly, do you even have to ask?

And this is why being a party pooper is good.

DD? Someone named their dog DD?

This überhood is full of lulzy townies. I approve.

More money!

Bingo! Say hello to Kimberly Cordial, future legacy spouse.

Also, say hello To Sadie Frost(I think), resident yard-litter cleaner.

Lemon and her coworker have a bitchfit.
Where are the cops when you need them, I must ask!

Kimberly is a bitch. A funny bitch.

But she can interact nicely too.

*Insert dress joke here*

She is responsive to... the hell?

Ivy, dear, don't you think you should at least take off the uniform before playing in the leaves?

"Omg, Kimberly is such a bitch, she totally just flicked the nose of her bride-to-be!"

Lemon does not like cleaning.

Another day, another immature coworker. The police of Simlandia mustn't be very threatening.

I love the expressions she has, that's all.

ACR does it's thing.

I decided to take them downtown, to have some fun.



"Augh, my virgin eyes!"

Armand, whipe that grin off your face, it is creepy.

Hi Patrizio! Looking prematurely bald, as always.

"...and then I said, FUCK YOU and the wolf wimpered off".
I'm still surprised over that, myself.

In soviet Simlandia, woohoo comes first.

Foot-pop, it's for aspiring bitch-witches too.

But seriously, you have woohooed and made out, why not leap-hug each other?

At home Lemon gets a phonecall from her friend, Ivy, who I suspect is hiding in the closet and has a secret crush on Lemon.

Hell, why not? (Please not to be creepy again, though).

Samantha, Kimberly's sister tags along (I kept sibling relationships for some part).

*Shock and dismay!*

"..and then I said FUCK YOU!...."
See Kimberly's bubble? Take note.

"Sorry, bb, but not while Armand is here"

I just like this picture.

Sister-In-Law cuddles.


Don't just stand there, grinning like a fool!

We interrupt this fit of rage t bring you the legacy dog founder, Bitch.

RAWR! You WILL be mine!
I bet Armand is sweeping those leaves up so he can jump in them.

Fitting, seeing as she lives in a wood-cabin

Why, you punk!

But I will get Samantha, I will!

legacy, sixam, sims

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