(no subject)

Sep 04, 2004 13:00

[ .001. ] first name: Robyn
[ .002. ] middle name: Mae
[ .003. ] last name: Leaving Blank
[ .004. ] nickname(s): Robizzle, Rizzle, Obin, Binbin, Bin, RockinRobyn, Robert, Knifer
[ .005. ] gender: girl
[ .006. ] age: 16
[ .007. ] birthday: july 22
[ .008. ] height: 5'4ish
[ .009. ] hair color: brown
[ .010. ] eye color: honey
[ .011. ] race: white
[ .012. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: no
[ .013. ] do you have braces: no
[ .014. ] is your hair long or short: long
[ .015. ] where were you born: Florida
[ .016. ] current location: Lakeland
[ .017. ] zodiac sign: Cancer
[ .018. ] how many languages do you know: one
[ .019. ] nationality: I don't know
[ .020. ] bad habits: I suck my thumb.
[ .021. ] piercings you have: ears
[ .022. ] piercings you want: ears and tongue
[ .023. ] tattoos you have: I don't have any.
[ .024. ] tattoos you want: I want one.
[ .025. ] today's date: Sept. 4th
[ .026. ] the time: 1:07
[ .027. ] ready for a bunch more questions: yes

[ .028. ] mother's name: "Allyson"
[ .029. ] father's name: Mathew
[ .030. ] step-parent's names, if any: Pam and Keith
[ .031. ] brother(s)'s name(s): Charles, Chadd, Rhyan
[ .032. ] sister(s)'s name(s): Devon
[ .033. ] favorite aunt: it was Aunt Lori.
[ .034. ] favorite uncle: Uncle Jeb
[ .035. ] favorite grandparent: Rob, the only one I got.
[ .037. ] best relative: Sister and Daddy
[ .038. ] do you get along with your parents: sometimes
[ .039. ] Does anyone in your family understand you?: no

[ .040. ] do you have any pets: yes
[ .041. ] what are their names: Mary, Daisy, and Penny
[ .042. ] what kind of animals are they: Cat, dog, and dog.

[ .043. ] are you still in school: yes
[ .044. ] did you drop out: no
[ .045. ] current gpa, or last gpa you got: 3.3+
[ .046. ] favorite grade: 3rd
[ .047. ] least favorite grade: 4th
[ .048. ] favorite teacher:  I don't know

[ .049. ] least favorite teacher: Mrs. Nelson
[ .050. ] favorite subject: English
[ .052. ] do/did you buy lunch or bring it: Buy it
[ .053. ] play any sports on the school's team: No, thanks to my lovely parents.
[ .054. ] do/did you do any extracurricular ativities: SGA
[.056. ] favorite dance: homecoming Sophmore year
[ .057. ] favorite memory: skipping school or class with Megan
[ .058. ] least favorite dance: any of the middle school dances
[ .059. ] least favorite memory: when Mrs. Dixon yelled at me or Mrs. Nelson
[ .060. ] most humiliating moment: I don't know.

[ .061. ] number: 22
[ .062. ] clothing brand: I don't know.
[ .063. ] shoes: my poor flip flops that are falling apart
[ .064. ] saying: I don't know.
[ .065. ] tv show: a lot.
[ .066. ] sport: cheerleading/dance
[ .067. ] vegetable: corn, green beans, potatoes, and broccoli
[ .068. ] fruit: bananas

[ .069. ] movie: a lot. Lion King?
[ .071. ] actor: cute ones
[ .072. ] actress: pretty ones
[ .073. ] candy: Starbursts
[ .075. ] scent: Love Spell, Adidas, and Lilu
[ .076. ] candy bar: Snickers
[ .077. ] ice cream flavor: Moose Tracks
[ .078. ] color: red
[ .079. ] season: The less hotter one aka Fall or Winter
[ .080. ] holiday: Christmas?
[ .084. ] rapper: all the LiL's
[ .085. ] type of music: all kinds
[ .086. ] thing in your room: Puffy
[ .087. ] place to be: with good friends having fun.
[ .088. ] radio station: 933 or 957
[ .089. ] tv channel: the WB and MTv
[ .090. ] junk food: I don't know.
[ .091. ] overall food: a lot.
[ .092. ] store: Wally World
[ .093. ] shoe brand: DC's
[ .094. ] fast food: Wendy's or Mickey D's
[ .095. ] restaurant: Friendly's
[ .096. ] shape: Star
[ .097. ] time of day: late
[ .098. ] country: USA =)
[ .099. ] state: Pennyslvania
[ .100. ] boys name:. Trenton Rhyan Trevor
[ .101. ] girls name:  Kayleigh, Rory, Topanga (hah jk)

[ .102. ] mall: Altamonte Mall
[ .103. ] video game: the Dance one or Mario!
[ .104. ] shampoo: Dove
[ .105. ] board game: Clue or Ask Zandar
[ .106. ] computer game: Hearts
[ .107. ] car: Jetta or Golf
[ .108. ] music video: I don't know
[ .109. ] swear word: fuck
[ .110. ] word: I don't know
[ .111. ] month: November
[ .112. ] cartoon character: Simba
[ .113. ] scary movie: I don't know.
[ .114. ] team: Cowboys and Bucs
[ .115. ] possession: I don't know

--What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear--
[ .116. ] eminem: Slim Shady
[ .117. ] dog: food
[ .118. ] hot: in herre
[ .119. ] britney spears: toxic
[ .120. ] nsync: bye bye bye
[ .121. ] real world: philly!
[ .122. ] orange: red
[ .123. ] choice:  I don't know
[ .124. ] banana: yellow
[ .125. ] corn: on the kob
[ .126. ] black: dark
[ .127. ] mush: room
[ .128. ] stars: bright
[ .129. ] linkin park: Uncle's neighborhood
[ .130. ] jack: black
[ .131. ] rainbow: bright
[ .132. ] cherry: pop
[ .133. ] cucumber: lipgloss
[ .134. ] shark: bite
[ .135. ] lifehouse: ocean
[ .136. ] bat: baseball
[ .137. ] leather: jacket
[ .138. ] whip: cream
[ .139. ] america: red white and blue
[ .140. ] water: fall
[ .141. ] volcano: blasts

-----This or that-----
[ .152. ] linkin park or limp bizkit: both
[ .153. ] tool or korn: Korn (never heard Tool)
[ .154. ] selena or Jennifer Lopez:  both
[ .155. ] hot or cold: cold
[ .156. ] winter or summer: winter
[ .157. ] spring or fall: fall
[ .158. ] shakira or Brittany: Shakira
[ .159. ] icp or eminem: Eminem
[ .160. ] Marilyn Manson or rob zombie: neither
[ .161. ] kittie or garbage:  neither
[ .162. ] MTV or vh1: both
[ .163. ] buffy or angel: neither
[ .164. ] dawson's creek or Gilmore girls: Glmore Girls more
[ .165. ] football or basketball: football
[ .166. ] summer Olympics or winter Olympics: neither
[ .167. ] skiing or snowboarding: snowboarding
[ .168. ] rollerblading or skateboarding: rollerblading
[ .169. ] black or white: white
[ .170. ] orange or red: red
[ .171. ] yellow or green: green
[ .172. ] purple or pink: pink
[ .173. ] slipknot or mudvayne: neither
[ .174. ] hot topic or PAC sun: PACsun
[ .175. ] inside or outside: outside
[ .176. ] weed or alcohol: alcohol
[ .177. ] cell phone or pager: cell
[ .178. ] pen or pencil: pen
[ .179. ] powerpuff girls or Charlie’s angels: PPG
[ .180. ] Scooby doo or dino: Scooby Doo!
[ .181. ] dragon ball z or pokemon: Pokemon .. Gotta catch em all!
[ .182. ] star wars or star trek: neither, but Imperial March haha
[ .183. ] tattoos or piercing: piercing
[ .184. ] prep or punk: punk
[ .185. ] dog or cat: dog

-----Private life-----
[ .186. ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no
[ .187. ] do you have a crush: no?
[ .188. ] do you love anyone right now: yes
[ .189. ] have you ever been in love: yes
[ .192. ] how many hearts of have you broken: one
[ .193. ] how many people broke your heart: three
[ .194. ] best quote to sum up love: Love's gone to hell and so have I.
[ 195. ] so what is your bf/gf/crush like:  non-exsistent
[ .196. ] do you have a picture of him/her: nope
[ .197. ] please post it if you do: ---
[ .198. ] do you have a picture of yourself: yes
[ .199. ] please post it if you do: no
[ .200. ] do you go by looks or personality: both
[ .201. ] ever kiss a friend: yes. they were my boyfriend, so they were my friend
[ .202. ] are you still friends: no
[ .203. ] do you smoke: no
[ .204. ] do you do drugs: no
[ .208. ] beer good or beer bad: bad

------Would you ever-----
[ .215. ] bungee jump: no
[ .216. ] sky dive: yes
[ .217. ] swim with dolphins: yes
[ .218. ] scuba dive: yes
[ .219. ] go rock climbing: yes
[ .220. ] eat poop for $1,000,000: no
[ .221. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no
[ .222. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no
[ .223. ] cross-dress: yes
[ .224. ] lie to the police: no
[ .226. ] lie to your parents: yes
[ .227. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: if I knew them a little and
there was a bet .. cough cough .. but prolly not

[ .228. ] be an exotic dancer: no
[ .229. ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: no
[ .230. ] streak: no

-----Have you ever-----
[ .258. ] flashed someone: no
[ .259. ] told the person you liked how you felt: yes
[ .260. ] been to Michigan: no
[ .261. ] gotten really REALLY wasted: no
[ .262. ] gone to jail or juvi: yes
[ .263. ] skateboarded: yes

[ .264. ] skinny dipped: no
[ .265. ] stolen anything: yes
[ .266. ] wanted to kick my butt for making this so long: no
[ .267. ] kicked someone's butt: yes
[ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: no
[ .269. ] broke a mirror: yes
[ .270. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: yes
[ .271. ] kissed someone of the same sex: no

[ .273. ] gone on a road trip: yes with my family, never again!
[ .274. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: sort of
[ .275. ] been to a concert: yes
[ .276. ] been to another country: no
[ .277. ] talked back to an adult: yes
[ .279. ] got in a car accident: fender bender
(thanks Megan's mommy)
[ .280. ] broke a law: yes
[ .281. ] given money to a homeless person: no
[ .282. ] tried to kill yourself: no
[ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: no
[ .284. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: no
[ .285. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: no
[ .286. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyway: maybe, Megan does

[ .287. ] what do you think about pop music: I like some pop songs
[ .288. ] about boy bands: there aren't many
[ .289. ] about flag burning: if it broke one of the rules you're
supposed to burn it, it makes sense
[ .290. ] of the war on terrorists: it's stupid, hasn't helped any yet
[ .291. ] about suicide: it's sad
[ .292. ] about people who try to force there options on you: it's annoying
[ .293. ] about abortion: sucks
[ .294. ] about rock/metal : I like rock.
[ .295. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: I'll be 26 crazy
[ .296. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: my best friends.

----What did you do-----
[ .297. ] last birthday: went out to dinner.
[ .298. ] yesterday: came home from Megan's
[ .299. ] last weekend: was at Megan's? Hurricane?
[ .300. ] Christmas: was at home
[ .301. ] thanksgiving: was at Katie's
[ .302. ] new year's eve: slept
[ .303. ] Halloween: nothing
[ .304. ] Easter: I don't remember
[ .305. ] valentine's day: HAHAH went to the
movies with Erin Megan and Amy

-----the last-----
[ .306. ] thing you ate: cearel
[ .307. ] thing you drank: soda
[ .308. ] thing you wore: towel
[ .309. ] place you went: Megan's
[ .310. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: belly button
[ .311. ] person you saw: stepmom and brother
[ .314. ] person you talked to: stepmom
[ .315. ] song you heard: cute without the e - TBS

[ .316. ] what are you eating: nothing
[ .317. ] what are you drinking: soda
[ .318. ] what are you wearing: plaid pj pants and tank top
[ .319. ] any shoes on: no
[ .320. ] hair: up and wet
[ .321. ] listening to: sweet home alambama
[ .322. ] talking to anyone: Megan

-----Yes or no-----
[ .324. ] are you a vegetarian: no
[ .325. ] do you like cows: yes
[ .327. ] are you artistic: yes
[ .328. ] do you write poetry: no
[ .329. ] are you a fast runner: no
[ .330. ] can you ski: never tried
[ .331. ] are you British: no
[ .334. ] did you ever give Barbie a haircut: prolly I didn't like Barbies
[ .337. ] are you straight: yes
[ .341. ] are you short:  yes
[ .342. ] are you tall:  taller than Megan
[ .343. ] do you own a hot pink shirt: no
[ .344. ] how about orange pants: no

-----Random questions-----
[ .355. ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: I don't know
[ .356. ] if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: Chicken Nuggets
[ .357. ] do you remember any of your dreams: yes
[ .358. ] do you dream in color or black and white: I don't know
[ .359. ] do you admit when you need help with a problem: sometimes
[ .360. ] can people read you like a book: I don't know
[ .361. ] what's your biggest fear: all of em
[ .362. ] do you talk a lot: yes
[ .364. ] do you like spiders: no
[ .365. ] how about grape Kool-Aid: no
[ .366. ] can you drive: yes, not legally
[ .367. ] are you spoiled: no
[ .368. ] are you anti-social: no
[ .372. ] Now that this is over, what are you going to do?: find lyrics

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