Title: (The Sun'll Still Shine) But The Night Is On My Mind
Pairing: Santana Lopez / Brittany Pierce. Side Puck/Santana + Quinn/Santana friendship.
Words: 1000 - [15,600 overall]
Rating: Hard R.
Disclaimer: I don't owns the Glee.
Summary: What Santana wants is a summer to feign blind to the life that’s in shambles around her. If she can avoid Britt
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Comments 26
So good.
Balance (of everything) was my biggest concern when writing. I'm glad it was executed. Thank you for noticing and saying something about it. It's seriously the best feeling when my intentions are recognized.
Thanks again!!
You did an outstanding job on this, and I'm really looking forwards to seeing what else you write. I mean, you totally nailed it.
Also, just so you know, the whole Livejournal connection issues meant that I tried countless times to post that comment on two separate days, because I couldn't let it go without letting you know how much I genuinely loved this piece...
I really appreciate it! Most people wouldn't lol (the hits on FF prove this theory) so that you put forth the effort even with crazy LJ means a lot! I'm really really glad you enjoyed it. As long as at least one person gets it the way I do, it's totes worth. Thanks again!
I'm Nique, btw.
Really glad I made the choice to read this. Kudos on a well executed fic!
I'm really glad you enjoyed and I appreciate the review. Thanks again!
This is one of those ones that just oozes perfection and beauty, that is just so darn pretty. And holy crap, I almost highlighted and copied entire swaths of description and text from this because of how GORGEOUS they were. Your way with words is...so much 'oh *wow*' inducing ( ... )
Pretty? That's like the nicest thing ever. And gorgeous? I'm seriously blushing. I like when people like the words as much as the story. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.
I'm very visual, so I see everything happening when I'm writing it and it would be so cool to like really have them play out. For me, this was more about Santana and all the relationships around her. It's tagged Brittana because that's where we end, but I think it's so important for her to interact with other people with what's going on. I want Rachel/Santana songs and friendship super bad lol. We'll keep our fingers crossed for it! lol
Thanks so much for reviewing and I'm glad it got you thinking. That's always the most rewarding part of writing. And please don't thank me lol. I just really appreciate you taking the time to read and enjoying it and having lots of cool things to say about it. So, thank you!
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