
Nov 28, 2005 20:12

Hahaha. Oh shit. Bobby and I can never have kids.
In case you were wondering.

Also, I need $100 so I can apply to Western and UW.
And more than $30 from buy back at the bookstore.
And someone to jump-start my car back at home.
And lots of other things, too.

Also, wtf is up with guys today? I'm getting messages and friend requests and "you're cutes ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

thisislettinggo November 29 2005, 04:34:12 UTC
yay western!
(alright, I really hate it here...)


rockinsocks November 29 2005, 05:09:39 UTC

Oh, I know. But it's still better than Oregon, I think.


thisislettinggo November 29 2005, 06:34:15 UTC


morgasm November 29 2005, 05:23:37 UTC
If you go to Western, Im moving to Bellingham. Seriously.


rockinsocks November 29 2005, 05:30:17 UTC

If you move to Bellingham, I'm living with you.


morgasm November 29 2005, 05:31:31 UTC
Sounds like a deal to me.


thisislettinggo November 29 2005, 06:34:58 UTC
you should move to bellingham, then gloria will be there too, and so will I, and so will ailsa, and it'll just be one big party...


mousepadracer November 29 2005, 06:56:19 UTC
yes, everyone freaking move here.


rockinsocks November 29 2005, 07:54:50 UTC

Pretty much.


pulaski05 November 29 2005, 07:00:35 UTC
Who would want to live in Bellingham over Seattle, come on.
Plus, we could "rip up" the town (I'm not really sure if that's an actual phrase...but now it is)


rockinsocks November 29 2005, 07:54:32 UTC

How many times to I have to tell you that you go to a private school? Haha.


pulaski05 November 29 2005, 18:24:31 UTC
UW is in Seattle too! And I hear you can take a bus from here to there, even if I haven't done that yet.


primaleloquence November 29 2005, 07:25:34 UTC
YOU'RE RE-APPLYING TOO?! Yessssss. We should start a club or something. Mmmm. The only school I've considered thus far is UBC.


rockinsocks November 29 2005, 07:27:33 UTC

Dude we're all about starting clubs. We should start a club for starting clubs. :) All I know is that I wanna be back in Washington. And financially, I sort of have to be.


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