
Mar 18, 2012 13:54

4 years after moving in, I finally got my office painted and started setting it up. Well, I haven't gotten far on the setting it up part, first thing I did was drag the file cabinet in place and go through it to toss anything I don't need to hold on to anymore. Kinda forgot the bottom drawer was the nostalgia drawer. I found summer camp address ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

r_is_for_rose March 21 2012, 10:51:51 UTC
Well, you were cute! And you probably had that slightly mysterious brooding air that high school girls like.

Good job cleaning out old papers. I'm really bad about that. There are several boxes in the office that need sorting (or shredding). I don't really need all of my paystubs from 2002. :)


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