So I opened this morning at 7am at work. Wasn't bad at all. Took some CDs and listened to one all day. Since I couldn't exactly change CDs with gloves on. Work fllleeewww by
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Ya know. I think I realize now, to some extent, why I can't stand this whole 9-11 bullshit. Sure, it's sad and tragic and massive.. don't get me wrong, I am in no way disregarding all the loss that come with that
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It's been so nice being with Adrian again. Got here about 8:30 something last night. Just came home and went to bed. Got up this morning, went for some chinese. Then to the mall... And guess what? He paid to have my hair cut ^_^ It isnt toooo much shorter, but it has shape somewhat and is mad thin and looks so nice
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This afternoon i'll be heading out to be with Adrian, to spend the weekend together for his birthday. And I cant frickin wait. =) I will be going to him rather than him coming here. Yay busses
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Wtf if this Pirate Day bullshit? Sure, I love Pirates.. they rock so much more than Ninjas. But is it an LJ thing? Or a everybody thing? *shrugs* Oh well. Too fucking played out
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You know what makes waking up at 7am and going into work at 8am just the best thing in the world? WAking up at 7am knowing i'll be seeing Adrian later this afternoon =D *squeeaakkkkk
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