In first place we have
Set #01
MUCC (Textless)
+ Lovely soft colouring with well-placed tiny text and a very very nice use of textures and the contrast between the different portions of hte icon, for a flowing effect.
+ Great color and text placement
+ the shading is great
+ The coloring is surprising and interesting. The face has a lovely tonal range.
+ Nice experimentation with coloring & lighting, it looks quite neat. :)
Set #02
Pulp (Lyrical + Text Only)
+ Interesting size of text which draws attention quickly to the side of the icon. A very simple overall design with good placement and the telephone at the base which works perfectly with the rest of the icon.
+ The choice of colors, text, and the simple graphic make this really classy.
+ Nice composition and appealing colors.
+ The typography is thoughtful. I like how the "h" from the extends into the "o" in on. I also like the old fashioned telephone bleeding off the bottom. It is a very contrasted, graphic approach which is less common in a world of icons that rely heavily on brushes and textures.
+ Nice use of two different fonts, the different colors, and the sizing of the text.
+ In the end, this one came down to style. I love them both, but #3 incorporated a very fitting texture/image into the icon with the lyrics chosen. It's simple, clean, and gorgeous typography.
+ Ooh, I adore the choice of bright, vibrant colors! It matches the unconventional text placement wonderfully.
+ Everything really works well in this icon. A really well thought out layout: great colors, nice use of different fonts--I really like it.
+ very nice coloring - the contrast of colors is very eye catching.
Set #03
Free Choice
+ Simple desaturation leaves the icon overall clean but interesting, with a good use of space filled at the bottom. A wonderful crop of the image at the top too. An overall perfect balance of everything.
+ It's very simple in design and structure - it's pleasing to the eye without too many colors.
+ I LOVE Queen, but I love the style and colouring on #6 - therefore, #6 is my choice.
+ The composition of this icon is really quite neat - well done. :D
+ the overall set up of the icon is good - looks good in black and white
As runner-up, we have
Set #01
MUCC (Textless)
+ The coloring is simple - the other one in this set looks too overlaid with a lot of conflicting colors.
+ Having their images larger in the background behind them is interesting. It's something out of the ordinary and different from just a regular crop.
+ I LOVE the monochromatic colouring, and while the other icon is gorgeous as well, I feel like #1 is more creative by using the image in the BACKGROUND as well. It gives the icon more layers and texture.
+ The coloring is better in my opinion and I like how you can see their faces on the background :)
+ good cropping and the contasting colors from background to foreground are nice
Set #02
Pulp (Lyrical + Text Only)
+ I really like the simplicity of this icon
Set #03
Free Choice
+ The art style is unique for this fandom, and the composition/coloring were wonderful.
+ good use of how the focus really draws you into this
+ I like the drama of the positioning and I thought the text worked well with the image.
+ The image is great, the orange of the shirt compliments the blue of the sky perfectly.
+ Because it's colorful & it's Queen! what else is there to say? LOL no but really, I really love the picture and I think it is appropriate and well used in this particular icon.
+ I like the coloring, and it's a nice crop.
Congratulations to both
lazypenguine and
fiendie for all of their effort! We hope you both enjoy your well-earned prizes! :D