A - Age you got your first kiss: Not applicable.
B - Band listening to right now: None.
C - Crush: Like I'd tell you...
D - Dad's name: Paul.
E - Easiest person[s] to talk to: Dunno.
F - Favorite colour(s): Yellow and black.
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms: Gummy Bears.
H - Hometown: Lewiston ID
I - Instruments: None.
K - Kids: None.
L - Longest car ride ever: From Lewiston Idaho to Reno/Sparks/Carson City Nevada
M - Mom's name: Annie.
N - Nicknames: Cleo, Sparkles, Nellie, Spanish Jell-O(Don't ask...), Sissy-Poo...
O - One wish: Umm...I dunno.
P - Phobia[s]: Too many to name.
Q - Quote: "...you stupid cookie..."
R - Reason to smile: Thinking of...happy thoughts...?
S - Song you sang last: I dunno.
T - Time you woke up [today]: 10:00 a.m.
U - Unknown fact[s] about me: Throughout my grade school years, my family has lived in numerous motels throughout Lewiston and Clarkston.
V - Vegetable you hate: Spinach.
W - Worst habit(s): Biting my nails.
X - X-rays you've had: None.
Y - Yummy food: Dunno.
Z - zodiac sign: Scorpio
LAYER ONE: On The Outside
-- Name: Janelle Leigh Freeman
-- Birthdate: 11/11/88
-- Birthplace: Ventura, CA
-- Current Location: Lewiston, ID
-- Eye Color: Brown.
-- Hair Color: Brown and blonde.
-- Height: 5'6"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
-- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
LAYER TWO: On The Inside
-- Your heritage: Irish, Finnish, Scottish and British, I'm very ishy.
-- The shoes you wore today: Didn't wear any.
-- Your weakness: Dunno.
-- Your fears: Death, rejection, clowns, the dark, pain, failure, fear, heights, spiders, small spaces, going under water, fish(I am very weird), strangers, alley ways(especially in the dark), basements, driving by semis(even walking by them freak me out), meeting new people(It's very scary...), public speaking, um...
-- Your perfect pizza: Pineapple and cheese. My baby brother got me hooked.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Get into a decent college.
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: Don't have AIM.
-- Your thoughts as you first wake up: Morning already?!?
-- Your best physical feature: I don't know.
-- Your bedtime: Around 10 or 11 on week nights.
-- Your most missed memory: Hm...I don't know...
LAYER FOUR: Decisions.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi.
-- McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King.
-- Single or group dates: Wouldn't know...
-- Adidas or Nike: Neither.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
-- Smoke: Hell no!.
-- Cuss: Sometimes.
-- Have a crush(es): Yep.
-- Want to go to college: Yeah.
-- Like high school: Meh, it's ok...
-- Want to get married: Eventually.
-- Believe in yourself: Dunno.
-- Get motion sickness: On long trips only.
-- Think you're attractive: Not really, no.
-- Think you're a health freak: I wish...
-- Get along with your parents: When they're not drunk....
-- Like thunderstorms: Yes.
-- Play an instrument: No.
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: No.
-- Smoked: No.
-- Done a drug: No.
-- Made Out: No.
-- Gone on a date: No.
-- Gone to the mall: Yes, in Moscow and Portland.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Dude, I haven't had Oreos in forever...
-- Eaten sushi: No, but almost...
-- Been on stage: No.
-- Been dumped: No.
-- Gone skating: Yes, Friday night...at the Rollaway.
-- Made homemade cookies: No.
-- Gone skinny dipping: No.
-- Dyed your hair: I got it highlighted...
-- Stolen anything: No.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: No.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.
-- Been caught "doing something": No.
-- Been called a tease: No.
-- Gotten beaten up: By older siblings only.
-- Shoplifted: Yes.
LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
-- Age you hope to be married: Dunno.
-- Numbers and Names of Children : Dunno yet...
-- How do you want to die: Dunno
-- Where you want to go to college: Dunno yet.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I don't know right now...
-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland
LAYER NINE: In a partner
-- Best eye color?: Don't care really...
-- Best hair color?: Meh, don't care.
-- Short or long hair: Don't care.
-- Height: Taller than me...
-- Best weight: Don't care
-- Best outfit: Don't rightly care.
LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Dunno...
-- Number of CDs that I own: Dunno.
-- Number of piercings: One in both ears.
-- Number of tattoos: 0.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the news paper: Um...once cuz I took pictures for the Purr.